AFL 23 - Megathread

Yep - just played a game and the 3 I mentioned didn’t increase afterwards

Does anyone know what that objective is that matches the Coleman?
Something to do with “kick goals with Charlie Curnow cards”

I seem to have made a dent in it, but for the life of me I cannot understand HOW I have done it, and now I can’t complete it.

Didn’t even think to look at my statistics and when I did I saw that I should have all the legendary objectives finished beside the rebound 50s. So it’s tracking in the statistics area but for objectives still very hit and miss

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Seriously the game needs a rework the ground game is broken as, and can obviously tell which player is gonna pick up the footy no matter who is closest and secondly the contract system is a joke and needs to be more easier to obtain contracts. I knoe you guys dont respond to contrustive criticism but therss that for you to read


They sometimes actually do respond to constructive criticism… and I reckon some people have been frustrated at times by similar things that you mention… however some of them may be sorta by design.
i.e if a player with high ground-ball attributes approaches the ball at the same time as a player with poor ground-ball attributes… then that’s the guy that’ll likely win it.

I honestly believe most of the game has these ‘mini-decisions’ built into it, and maybe there’s just some tiny animation, or animation-blends missing that would give us as gamers the visual cue to know what’s going on (that’s a deeply analytical statement… sorry if it doesn’t make sense).

Not saying the game is perfect. Just my observations.

There are a ton of contracts now as rewards for the Coach Battles games. People have mentioned on here about contracts, players, and having enough of both to play.
I still believe it comes down to mismanagement though… but the rewards and packs are there to help people out of it.


But the coach battles ive never gotten a contract from once yet, even though i have completed all of them. The groundball game is just a broken mess and i understand what youre saying and i agree that the devs need to make it a bit simplier and i also forgot to mention how broken tackling is, ive manly been playing pro teams and once someone im vsing gets the footy cant tackle or run after them nor do my engage with loose player where the ball is going to next, but once its my term with the footy cant outrun them or just spam handball as most people do as my term will not interact with it. I also only just statyed playing again so might be out of touch

Are you letting go of sprint when tackling?

Makes a huge difference.

Tackling has never been broken.

The only time ive had an issue was on 2 or 3 poorly connected games, they are painful.

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Yeah letting go of sprint works well but tackling is definitely broken against the cpu

Yeah mate. Each them letting go of sprint and still nothing, could be connection but even in coach bagtles sMe thing happens

I’d be interested to see a video of you playing the CPU and it not working. Can’t say I’ve had that issue once ever. Also, as well as letting go of sprinting sometimes holding L2 helps deliver a harder tackle especially if fend is being used against you. If you use it though, be careful as it will take you longer to get up and sometimes you’ll give away a high tackle or push in the back.

Also - they happily respond to constructive criticism, it’s when it’s delivered in a rude, hyperbolic manner you’ll likely be ignored

Every player team I versus as an ai is just stocked with key forwards and key defenders and it’s not even funny. Would like to see this get amended at some stage

And now right on cue they are tracking again for me - just popped the Boomer Harvey one and the other two have gone up a few.

@Ku33ie - I have actually popped that one too, I assume it is kicking 78 goals with Charlie Curnow

Also - for anyone who wants an easy free Gold Player Pack or 2. Jump into Coach Battles and play the 250 games club challenge. It’s just about been defeated

2 quick things I wanna chuck in here and see if anyone else has had similar issues.

1st is that my clearance work seems to be bugged. My ruck taps the ball and my mids just stand there while the ball rolls right past them just for the opposition mid to basically Teleport to it giving them a free clearance.

2nd thing has only happened a few times. I’ll be smashing someone in game and they very clearly disconnect because they rage quit however the game says it has lost connection to steam and it counts as a loss. Unless there is an exploit that players know to basically cause this, this needs to be adressed ASAP

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Hmmm, can’t say I have Curnow, yet I’ve made progress.

Ah well, all part of the adventure.

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I’ve had these clearance problems too, but I have a theory that a major part of it is down to the attributes of the players.
Against stacked mids like Bont, Mills and Rozee, my taps (when I rarely win them against Gawn) still get intercepted or my players leave it for them.

That’s what I’m saying about the visual feedback. I believe the game has decided (through whatever calculations of position, stamina, and player attributes) that they won the ‘pick up the ball’ contest… but there’s not a good animation to show that, and instead I visually see a player standing there like a witches hat.

Same again with tackling that @TysonDhd mentioned. The tackle is seen by the game engine to be poor (through poor attributes, timing and the kicker’s attributes) and it allows the kick (often with an after-the-moment tackle taking place, which you can see in a replay). Again, maybe a better (or more) animations to show this… and maybe some tweaking to the outcome of the kick… could overcome this. So yeah, maybe not ideal, but with my theory, I wouldn’t say ‘broken’.

Do you aim your tap with the right stick, if im losing ill mix up the position on the stick I hit too, I run with a emerald Riley O’Brien and Grundy off the bench and i’m beating other players Gawn sapphire card.

I find hitting to space on centre bounces gives my players to get the tap to advantage.

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Objectives still not working, goals not tracking, just won a game after being down by 5goals and didn’t get the big comeback objective, will they ever work properly?

Some do, some did, some don’t.

That Big Comeback objective appears to be in the ‘don’t’ category.

I’ve seen people that have completed the legendary objectives or atleast have claimed to on here yet I have objs there not tracking.

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Tried to go on the game this morning and am getting this message when I try to login