AFL 23 - Megathread

Just wondering if we can expect any gameplay updates, atm online games don’t seem to be as stable. Not sure if its because to many people are playing and the servers are struggling but as of late I have been playing with around 100 ms lately. I think the biggest tweak the gameplay needs is in the center bounce, players rucks are winning the hitout but not winning the ball as the mids get stuck and don’t make an attempt to go for the ball. Really annoying when you are beating your oppnent in the ruck and are not getting in reward for it. Also I have been gridning Ladder Leaders and noticed when ever I go to claim the rewards after winning the game the reward has changed. For example I’m meant to receive 1500 Fp points but than after the game it has decreased to 650 Fp points once I go to claim it.


Hey guys, im trying to knock off the Frees 4 objective and wondering if anyones got tips/tricks on how to win free kicks or do i just have to grind it out and hope for the best? Cheers

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Play a longer game on an easy difficulty and target tackles. One of the things I did was put the players who needed the tackles into the midfield, turned interchange to manual, lose the ruck and try and get tackles there and at other stoppages.

Oops - that’s for the tackle objectives, sorry!

One thing that I’ve found helps win a free kick is to give a little bump first (right stick) then tackle


Thanks heaps mate, ill give it a go.

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Ahh good tip, I haven’t tried that.

I only have Grundy wearing the #4, so his tackling hasn’t won him many frees… so this Objective is a GRIND!

One thing I did (which I also did for tackles with a #1) was to take a mark, go back, and ground handball (L1 + Square) then tackle.
It lined up the man on the mark about 50% of the time. Trouble was, it only rarely gave a holding the ball, so I’m at 8/15 frees.


Does the bump work?? Do you have to nudge the right stick, or push it to bump ??

It’s there, no where near as powerful as it was in Live 1. I just flick the stick like Live 1 - you’ll see a different animation when it works but it doesn’t always. I found you need to be pretty close to the player

Flick the right stick when running towards the ball carrier, can be a bit random though. When it works the animation is great :+1:

Have known for the player to bounce back up way to quick though which should be fixed.


I’ve got the Bont so I at least have more opportunity. Thinking I should try on easiest as well - there used to be more holding the balls on there. Problem is, it’s more difficult to get the AI the pick the ball up in easiest.

I’ve gotten up to 10th position on the ladder and have managed 110+ point wins with my Eagles corps.


I’m starting to think you’ve been foxing us this whole time.

Luring us in with thinking you were poo, then flicking the switch and showing us you are actually a professional AFL 23 player! :joy:

@JNT_BA - is this your side account? :thinking:

All in all, great work mate. You’ve got me hooked so keep doing what you are doing :+1:

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I wish I was as good as @JNT_BA but I learnt from my mistakes of mismanagement and the team looks pretty good, I bet I would get destroyed vs another person.
Here’s the quick code:HZ6SNC

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I’d definitely tune in to a stream showing a @stallionsCEO vs @JNT_BA showdown match.

@JNT_BA wins, he gets pizza and beer.
@stallionsCEO wins, gets 50,000 Pro Team coins and the first ever Legends pack. :slight_smile:


That would be fun to see Ngl.
I know who’s gonna win :wink:
#@JNT_BA wins that

Oooft I nearly forgot to change back to this account before replying to that. I mean what?!


Just a few tips about my eagles squad:

I apologize for Jack Viney being very slow (I plan to replace him) and ai tend to put him in as a defender where he can be responsible for conceding goals.

Toby Nankervis is a beast and he is the best ruck I have and is quite a goal scorer too

Zak Butters is the Skip and he tends to run from end to end without getting tackled.

Nick Larkey has been the best at set shots and never misses and I’m very impressed with his skills.

Is there anything new coming @JNT_BA ?? :slight_smile:

are there any 2024 card players that are diamond, anyone know?

@Lucasroro Only Bont at this stage

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Its disappointing to see that the devs have given up giving any meaningful updates on gameplay improvements and going issues e.g. objectives not tracking

The only updates we have received are for new packs, trying to encourage players to spend money on the game. Cash grab.