AFL 23 - Megathread

tried that but didnt work

I think ill be holding off till Season 2 legend packs now

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I got it to work this time around, but i kept them goalless for the entire game.

So in the new Weekly Challenges, notice the new Obsidian coloured XP bonus? First of anything obsidian in the game I think.


So we get no communication regarding ongoing bugs, the glitches around the end of the season and what the recent patches have done, and what we can expect to be done, but they can put out info about new packs on the store?

Yeah, Righto then.

Shows the priorities clear as day


No matter how many packs I open I still havenā€™t got one Charlie Curnow card :frowning:

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Anyone having trouble with some of the new weekly objectives as well?

uncontested marks doesnā€™t work for me and the 35 hitouts hasnā€™t either.

still no movement on the legendary objectives as well for me.

All worked for me @Pink_Panters (playing on PC)

So weird you are having massive issues with your objectives recording !

Is it worth uninstalling and reinstalling the game ??? ( You shouldnā€™t have to though :tired_face:)

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Iā€™ll give this a go now and see if anything changes, fingers crossed it works!

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I too am one of those people (on PS5) with the Legendary objectives not working, but I did manage to get the weekly ones to go.

Mind you, I did keep the opposition goalless for a half in 2 games without success, but then I played a Coach Battle (one of the 2.5min ones) on easy and kept them scoreless for the entire game, then it cleared.

As for the Hitouts, that is the only one I have left but I think I havenā€™t done that yet.

This issue could be so many different type of things, especially if it works for some and not others.

Perhaps objectives are stored on multiple servers and something in the router/modem is blocking outbound/inbound traffic to it? Could try and tether the phone and try use the net that way to access? Anti virus could be blocking access to a certain server too I suppose. Just so bloody hard to narrow it down.

did the uninstall and reinstall, still no luck sadly.

inside 50 entries
uncontested marks
ruck taps
keeping team goalless in a half
forwards marking with the one out archtype

plus a few more all not working.

Letā€™s hope its fixed in the next 4 days before the end of the season.

I mean, if the Pant Man canā€™t get no love, then what hope do the rest of us commoners have?

@JNT_BA - You need to put down your Pina Colada and get a message back from Ibiza to Australia for the tech team to help a brother out

Poor fellaā€™s probably just on overseas work deployment and here we are expecting his usual input :rofl::grinning:


my uncontested marks just donā€™t work and any tips on getting quick rebounds? im tryna get the challenge done before the season ends

Haha yeah this isnā€™t a fun holiday trip. This is a intense work trip with a new location all the time.

Then again I did take a holiday earlier in the year for a bit and you guys didnā€™t even know. Was still on and posting :rofl: The time difference this time is killer.

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Iā€™m still not having Legendary ones update, nor the Uncontested marks in the new weekly objectives, however the goalless half one did trigger, and also a couple other weekly ones did.

I was curious if anyone has the same issue Iā€™ve been having where instead of marking the ball the players are just constantly spoiling even when they have no opponent on them? Since last patch whenever I tap the mark button it seems to be always spoiling the ball instead and I canā€™t seem to stop it and this occurs in premiership mode and coach battles.

No problem whatsoever here for me. Are you sure youā€™re not tapping too early and moving the right stick, that will cause a spoil.

Edit - actually, I mean that in reverse will cause a spoil. If you flick the right stick and then tap the mark button a spoil is the result