AFL 23 - Megathread

When you edit your players stats attributes and playing roles etc.

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Thankyou for the info :+1:

Credit where it’s due, gameplay a lot better after that patch. But the teleporting and crappy kicking animations really let it down. Must be the next thing addressed. Also, just please start work on management mode. Almost 80+ days since release and the mode has not been touched by the devs. Fix it so some of us can start our main career.


What would the point of choosing to play with a cap be then if you could just turn it off and on at will? Just play without a cap…

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Just wanted to echo some of the above messages here. Gameplay has improved a lot in this last patch (handball passes especially for me).

Hopefully the next focus can be correcting the opposition from scoring so many goals and so few behinds. Also, management mode would be great to play if there was more to do. I saw an idea of controlling your AFL team and your VFL team, that would be awesome.

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This is now working in management mode. End of game stats show the total disposals (used to just show contested possessions).


Yeah I found stats (end of game) in management mode actually matched to those accumulated in the game :slight_smile:


@JNT_BA I know you aren’t the one to announce anything, but ANY insight if Management mode is being worked on in patches??


Getting rid of the game crashes im still experiencing on ps5

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Finally got around to playing my first game on the new patch. Great to see a different face tossing the coin and the quick animations / skips at the start/between goals. New set shot system works great, nailed every single one. Cant say the same for my kicking on the run though! Thought the game actually played quite well - took me a while to get used to the new timing on marks but seem to have gotten it together now


Hallelujah! At long last! :raised_hands:t2:

5 min simmed quarters seem to get you the most realistic player disposal totals, although the overall match scores are pretty low (most teams scoring around 40-60 pts).

Only 4-5 clearances per team as well, and tackle numbers are also really low (12-13 each way). Total hitouts were also only 8 each - not sure if these things are errors, or just how things pan out in simmed games…?

The labelling and order of how match stats are presented is still a bit of a mess, compared with how things are usually presented for fans (via the AFL app for instance). Hopefully this will be tidied up in the next patch.

Would also be really beneficial to view the complete player stats for each game, not just the major ball winners. An important feature of management mode is seeing which players didn’t perform. A full list of player stats & fantasy scores would be great, especially given it was a popular feature of the Evo games.

@JNT_BA is this the best place to provide this kind of feedback? I think I recall you saying that support tickets weren’t for this sort of thing.

More realism & greater depth of player stats will add plenty to management mode. Hopefully more improvements to come soon!

I’m very surprised that the AFL/VFL or AFL/SANFL ect. suggestion I made some posts back has got some momentum. Just maybe it could become a possibility to control both senior/reserve teams in MC :crossed_fingers:

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@JNT_BA … Just a thought, could this be implemented in some sort of way into the game, to make it easier when working out match ups and attributes ect? :slight_smile:

P.S It would make it look bit more detailed than what we have now.


Support tickets or here works for suggestions and ideas as I know a few of the team go through here and see what can be done. Plus here are better conversations.

What doesn’t work here but are better on a ticket are issues as the support team isn’t on the forums and they usually need more specialised info than what people usually will post about. As an example I had to get them to schedule some additional testing on the whole AI goal stuff, good news for them someone put in a ticket checking in with them and got some info from them about things like specific platform and difficulty to help with their continued testing at my request.

Tickets asking for insider info about upcoming changes/games don’t belong on the support site as much as I’m sure people want to know info as well.

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This would be absolutely amazing :grin:


Ok great, thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Would love to see that + post game match stats such as disposals getters etc. Currently you have to pause the online game post siren to drill down into those stats.

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Just played my first few patches on the new patch… (PS4) brief thoughts:

Goal kicking is great, liking the new hud etc.

Handballing is the best it’s ever been, rarely is it going to my opponent, unless I’ve bottled the pass/over used the handballs.

Marking and tackling are feeling pretty good. Feel like I saw a couple of new tackling animations?

Only down side is the AI do not miss! How have we gone back to this again!? Prior to this patch the AI was probably in the best place in regards to scoring goals & missing.

At the intervals the stats sheets that shows all players involvements is now defaulted to showing goals points tackles etc. which is much nicer then the next page is touches etc. At the end of the game if you look at the best on ground the players listed are now showing the correct amount of disposals and goals as they had been wrong everytime since launch.

There’s still a few little bugs and glitches but I can happily play around them. Fix the AIs kicking for goals asap please!!


Just gone from Medium to Hard Difficulty, just need a tip on releasing the ball in the tackle

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but these stats (besides fantasy as that’s not in the game at all) are already possible at the end of the match in management mode. When you finish a match, there are 2 “end of match” screens. This one that pops up at the siren and before the songs:

If you tab over to Player Stats Overview, Player Stats Disposals / Possessions, you get a full overview of everyone’s stats in the match.

Once you skip through that, you watch the team song - do your “sign back into Big ant servers” and then get this splash which I think is the one you’re referring to / was always showing incorrect data. Believe this is just a “quick” overview of the match that shows team stats and BOG. TBH not sure why these 2 screens can’t just be combined in all honesty.