AFL 23 - Megathread

Yeah… we are. We are having to literally rewrite the entire system. We know what the issue is for the objectives and it can’t be “fixed” so it’s being completely redone.

The match reporting, that’s a whole other thing. Again if you haven’t let support know as we need to look into the game specific stuff.


Personally I’m happy with how LL operates, lower levels give the chance to chase specific objectives and try out different / lower skilled cards as well as try out new things you might not otherwise attempt. It also gives access to obtaining contracts reasonably easily.
As for losing, for me, there has to be a penalty or it’s too similar to Coach Battles.

Suggest you take another look at Coach Battles. Not sure how you can say it’s limited? The matches get refreshed at worst on a weekly basis, they offer a choice of different difficulty levels and all earn XP and FP. In addition, the community challenge games at the bottom offer options of different difficulty, different match length and you can literally refresh these at will by pressing L3. They also give you the ability to earn XP and FP. You can also play or share other teams by using a code to access them.
@SaintSkeeta has shared his team above to play if you wish to take it on!


As a side note. Please do not treat Ladder Leaders or Coach Battles as a “offline” mode in an online mode. Please treat it like you’re playing against people when in the matches, do not put you game in sleep mode while playing. Finish the match its still using and connecting to the servers for match stats.


@JNT_BA I seen someone mention you can bump in the game now, is this true?? :slight_smile:

Bumping has been there the whole time, just have to be in the right position to do it. If you’re looking for it to be like AFL Live then you’ll be disappointed.

You’ll see a few different animations when you do it too!


Awesome, I haven’t been able to do one, any tips so I can actually see what it’s like? :slight_smile:

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Right stick when opponent has the ball and you’re in close

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The bumping is alright, I have said before works well when the animation actually works. Would still love it to be a bit more useful in game. Whether the player falls to ground due to

  • Low recovery rating
  • Low Physicality

Then free kicks be awarded for too high maybe even rough conduct due to

  • Low tackle technique
  • Low defensive mindset
  • Low tackle strength

It would just give another user another form of vaiterty in play styles


Byron Pickett card would go hard if this was a thing :joy:

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Need @JNT_BA to use his pull and extend the 2024 Best of The Premiers Coach Battle by 24 hours :pray:. Going to fall short :rofl::rofl:


For real damnn, gonna be harsh missing 2 good community ones by not much

Guess everyone needs to play more :rofl:
I’ll see how it is a little later and ask.

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Hahaha yeah last 2 missed by less than 20k.

Bit of a crude way to do it, but here’s a gif of Dusty delivering a bump @Kidneykid95


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This is one of the better bump animations, it plays out well and he goes to ground. They just bounce up straight away and dispose ball (1)


Point taken on the L3 refresh, could have sworn I tried it but you’re right that is a good source of variety.

If I’m in the minority on LL that’s fine but I still think there’s a gap here. If I can play devil’s advocate, why is it ten games to reach medium? There are six or seven difficulty levels and the first two take up to 55% of the run. Why not mix it up is what I am saying.

CB is good, but it’s the Pro Teams equivalent of an exhibition match. PC is online mode and LL is for people that like to grind or suck at PC. And for players that really struggle for whatever reason, let’s not condemn them to CB or paying money to retry LL.

I know there’ll be tweaking and the future is bright and the rest, but no harm talking about it now.

While I’m here - I will shut up promise - why does the player score drop on the CB community challenges? The Lions one was at 70k a couple of days ago and now it’s a lot less. Am I going mad?

Pretty sure that’s covered in the guide section of the game, however yes those ones do drop. The idea with that type of battle is to drop the opponents XP down to zero before time runs out -this secures the win (reward). The other type you pick a team to represent and earn XP for your side of the battle. The one with the highest amount of XP at the end of the time period wins the battle.

Can’t say I agree or even follow your logic regarding what each mode is for. The one thing I’m certain about is why would you have to pay to play LL? It’s no different to managing your team as far as picking the tickets as they come up. They’re also rewarded as you level up at certain points of the game too. I currently have 12 LL entrance tickets sitting in my inventory - I have great pack luck for them but still can’t snaffle Ollie Dempsey :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Ugh you said guide. Reminds me I need to update it for legends cards.

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I’m currently level 20 and have had one LL ticket drop. The rest has been from progression, so the total is around five give or take.

The scenario I’m highlighting is a player that loses an LL game before they reach the halfway point - this type of player will run out of cards.

I’m not sure if I can explain my comparison better. PC is online, LL has the best rewards if you suck however you can easily run out of tickets if you don’t win games and your progress is slow. This type of player probably stays off PC unless they like a good reaming. Although it’s an MK style tournament it feels like a season as there are 18 games and you are moving up a ladder, there’s a feeling of progress. CB is a one off single match like exhibition mode.

Fascinating that when you ‘reaching’ a score in CB it’s a countdown, that wasn’t clear to me. I read the guide but it didn’t stand out at the time.

Just been doing some mental calcs - I think I have to do 30k XP per day to reach level 40. Even with XP rewards it’s going to be a tough slog.

I’m level 30 with roughly 300k XP left till level 40.

On average without any XP boost i’m probably getting like 4k XP per game

Which leaves me at roughly 75 more games to reach that total

Works out to be roughly 2.5-3.0 games to play per day.

Chuck Xp boost and XP bonuses it’s more likely to be about 2 games per day from now

Unfortunately i’m away for 3 weeks so I’m not getting there lol

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You do realise that you can get more LL tickets in packs though right? It’s not just through Level progression for XP or through progression in a particular LL. It’s about managing your team when you use your FP on packs as well.

In the event you run out of tickets wouldn’t you just go play some CB to earn FP for packs anyway? The standard of game is no different if you’ve lost a LL game early anyway?

I get the rewards are different but CB at least gives you flexibility on difficulty level and game length (somewhat).

There’s good value to be had in both.

A few stats on my team. (You can find them in the Statistics part of My Pro Team)

I never play online - only played it to get the Objective for playing it 5 times.

I’ve played 227 Coach Battle Games and 143 Ladder Leader Games. I managed to complete Level 40 in Season one and I’m currently on level 35 for this season. Nothing at all is hindering my progress by playing more CB games.

I’m not sure where you got the ‘reaching’ a score in CB from, but here’s a snap of what the guide says.