AFL 23 - Megathread

So far I’ve had rotten luck with entry tickets - I’ve had one from a pack, one from LL and three from progression. On the flipside I must have seen the BA team banner approaching ten times now.

CB - missed it in the guide, and maybe it’s just me but goals are presented as moving left to right 99% of the time.

I think across the board there is scope to be a little more descriptive in certain aspects and a bit of polish on the UI wouldn’t go astray. I would suggest that ‘claim reward’ should have the same button on every screen and objectives should viewable from the main page with a notification when there is a reward to claim.

I really like that completed objectives move to the bottom of the list, but it would be good if that behaviour also applied to sub pages like numerology. Maybe some colour coding too. An objective can be in progress, locked, not started or complete and having pages of these with all the same colour can find you doing a double take sometimes.

A question I have to ask the board - what is the quickest way to figure out if you have a played number needed for a challenge? If you don’t know already from your own footy knowledge, at the moment the best I can find is accessing the player data two screens deep which doesn’t feel right.

To anyone still reading, any advice on how to get hold of the cards you need for certain challenges is gratefully received. Seems a bit mean spirited to require the player to draw a random card to complete certain challenges. Are we meant to google the home state and if they were AA etc? What are the chances I’m going to a specific card when there are (I assume) 700+ you can receive?

I see what you did there……

Brownlow packs… interesting

Bunch of new Objectives added today, requiring a few past player cards.


I’m torn between the new objectives.
I mean, I like that there is something new to strive for, but it seems like they have cottoned on now and not making too many ‘quick wins’.

For example, a target to kick 700+ goals with key forwards will take a good grind. Along with those ‘card specific’ ones which now makes me regret selling off Ollie Dempsey for a quick buck :cry:

As long as they can keep the objectives tracking properly, they’ve got me sucked in well after footy season has finished.


Yeah there’s a good mix of short and long term

Too many card specific goals imo…just hit 110 players and I have precisely zero for these rewards. Once again I feel like I’m missing something. Am I meant to be buying the Team of the Week cards? Were these players featured in season 1? Getting my first CB pack in half an hour so perhaps the mystery will be revealed. If they are random and we’re meant to be grinding emeralds to shrink the pool, hell’s bells. Or maybe Curnow, Neale et al are easy to find in the draftee packs…?

EDIT - well what do you know, some of the achievement cards came up. If this is how it works great, I’ll give BA the benefit of the doubt and focus on the ToW cards from here.

Does anyone know what packs to target for a Lewis Taylor card, thanks in advance.

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online is terrible now for me all premiership challenger is who has the better internet connection. if my connections bad the ball will never go to my players even getting the hit out in their direction somehow results in an opposition player just coming from nowhere to get the ball. Even when im winning it doesn’t feel enjoyable because its very one sided and its simply that’s its favouring me because i’ve got better connection.

the premiership challenge is a boring mode now and it doesn’t help that there isn’t a good amount of single player content to do. some fixes need to be made

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Im loving the player challenges but it would be great if we got a “suggestion” on which packs that have higher chances of pulling the required players.

Im grinding TotW back for W. Ashcroft, which im having zero luck.
Im also looking for lewis Taylor (he was a rising star 2014) and Adam simpson.


Looking them up is always a good start, remember they can also be in the State of Origin Packs too.

Also - don’t forget to click on view opponents line up, there are other clues there’s too.

For example, here’s a pic of the new additions team from week 1 season 2 that @SaintSkeeta posted…

I think we’re all similar in wanting to get a card and start knocking off Objectives straight away but remember this mode isn’t instant gratification either. Enjoy the grind, the silly mistakes we look back at when we quick sell one we now need (yep that’s me with Dempsey!) and keep plugging away.


Which pack did you get Hurley in? :eyes:

NBN was flakey last night, had two disconnections and two LL tickets are up in smoke. Both ladders were approaching medium and now having to grind through another 20 easy games to get back to where I was.

I’d like to think that one day the error handling will avoid this issue. Is it really the end of the world that force closing is a get out of jail card against the AI? I would think it’s going to save a lot more angst that what would be lost having people use it as a workaround for a rematch.

I had a play around with a spreadsheet, with a bunch of assumptions like 20 minute average game time 50k in bonus XP I’ve calculated that Diamond will take the player between 50 and 90 hours (averaging 4000xp down to 2500xp per game respectively). Not the worst grind I’ve ever seen.

Sanity check - you start having to earn 700k XP, correct? Not sure where to find the original target.

Hahaha I think maybe you saw that picture, got too excited and didn’t read my post properly :rofl::rofl:.
That picture is from a coach battle in week one - an AI team. The logo on the pic suggests it was in an All Australian pack though, which gives hints about packs they may be in.

Personally I got him as a bronze in a draftees pack though. I guess he’d also be in his state of origin pack too.


Haha thanks yes a little too excited lol

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Finally got him


Have only just started properly playing this game again after a few months off.

Currently 2nd season into a management mode career, are there some updates I’m missing?

Looks like there’s bumping animations that haven’t seen before (…?? :eyes:), but I’m not noticing any of that in the games I’ve played.

Anyway, now that I’m giving it another go, I love that you can really get going with some slick link-up play on the outside, it’s good fun and has that genuine feel of a realistic game footy. There’s plenty to like and it’s miles ahead of where it started.

Being able to custom edit gameplay settings has changed everything for the better as well. Huge tick there.

I don’t think I’ve seen a single suspension yet, though. And how are there still no injuries in games you actually play? Is that a glitch, or a deliberate decision for some reason?

And where are the match highlights? All these great marks, fend offs and bruising tackles…and we never see them again? It wouldn’t need commentary but just some qtr time & post game highlights would add more excitement to the game for sure.

The main thing that drives me nuts though are all the glaring smaller errors.

Honestly, what is going on with the stats?

The in-game player stats are usually either irrelevant or incorrect - it’s a legit glitch that really shouldn’t still be in the game by this point.

And then when you get to match/player summary stuff at the breaks, how difficult is it really to mirror the type of stats & layout that appear in the AFL app? Wasn’t Champion Data involved in this game? Weird that you can’t click on a player to view their individual stats.

I mean I guess it’s fine, it just feels like something you’d see from any early 2000s version of the game (could say that for a lot of the menus and general layout IMO).

Fantasy points are easy to calculate and have become a hugely popular metric for fans to assess player impact - that needs to be in there for suuure BA!

No VFL results or stats to let you know how players are progressing and who’s putting their hand up for selection? Man I miss that.

No training? Even something basic where you can again level up players but risk injury depending on intensity stuff.

And most of all, no ability to edit player stats every week? Good grief, this would add SO much to the game! I realllly hope this will be built in at some stage.

I have no idea about game development at all so all of this purely from fan’s perspective with no comprehension of how difficult this stuff is.

I just don’t understand these omissions at all, it honestly feels like the nerdy stuff to the game like stats, player development, menu layout, etc just hasn’t been given any love at all.

The team selection stuff is whack and you can’t transfer things like the second ruck setting properly.

@JNT_BA I fully understand that the focus is all on Pro Team right now, but can fans expect to see innovation and further work put into the game in these areas?

I’d be more than happy to pay for an AFL25 if there was one coming out (would’ve loved that!) but given we seem to be rolling with this version for another year, I’d love to hear some positive news about other developments. :pray:t2:


Great suggestions.

I think it’s limited time and money. Surely we have crossed the threshold for a sequel, will be interesting to see what new features make the cut considering there is so much to be done.

Assuming they fix the stats with an update to 23, the number one priority for me is a better system for contesting the ball. Pack marks, tackles, rough play, there are some promising animations and sometimes you get to plan ahead but that’s about it.The rest is a crap shoot a lot of the time.


Here you go mate - just came across him!


How good :heart_eyes: glad you have the great man in your collection

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