AFL 23 - Megathread

Great pack - but also sums up my pack luck lately. Diamond Pack but no Diamonds in there :rofl::rofl:

Edit - Welcome to the side Obsidian Dusty :heart_eyes:


Nice work.
I was lucky to score the bronze Rookie card of Hurley a while back, so now itā€™s a hunt for the others.

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I love being 6 goals up, and then disconnecting from the match and having it be counted as a loss.

Absolute joke of a game, and the fact that it hasnā€™t been addressed or fixed is disgraceful.

Over half my matches end in a disconnect, almost always me disconnecting, never the opposition, and always when Iā€™m winning.

This page is as quiet as the trade period todayā€¦ or actually the whole trade period :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You lost the Slience game!!! Everyone else is still in it, wonder who will last longest :rofl:

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What is going to come firstā€¦ Essendon finals win OR a trade :wink: @JNT_BA :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Maybe next year!!! :lying_face:


To add to this, Iā€™m yet to receive any trade offers coming back the other way.

Also, the AA team is just 18 players, no bench.

And the Brownlow top 20 is essentially all ruckman.

Man I hope we see some of these glitches rectified soonā€¦

Tough life atm wondering if Iā€™ll have time to get that Dusty 96 when I get back :sweat_smile:


Youā€™ll bolt it in mate - carefully use what you get at level 38 and youā€™ll fly through the last two!

Is there anyone else here struggling with the weekly objective ā€˜Tackle Bagā€™ ??

I put on least 60-70 tackles in a match, and yet objective says none :worried:

Known issue. Some work, some donā€™t. Some come to life after a while or appear to count only after itā€™s a certain type of game. The question I have is, why canā€™t problematic objectives be weeded out before making prod.

While Iā€™m here, am I going mad or does Buddy have a super torp? Something appears to time out and he kicks straight as an arrow.

883 mb update file this morning :thinking:

More sort options for cards - thanks @JNT_BA

Ladder Leaders menu changed a little too


Wonder what it is? @JNT_BA can you enlighten us? :slight_smile:

My guess is : Itā€™s to fix the bugs in objectives??


Yuppers, this was preparation for some new cards and sets we have been working on.

There are a few players in there I will be aiming for!

There are no gameplay updates in this one, but some things have changed internally that need more testing online. It feels really good in single-player, but we need to be sure it feels good in online as well.


Awesome work mate!!!

Hang onā€¦ so there have been SOME gameplay being worked on with tweaks but just need testing correct??

Definitely means Legends Packs, I can read your hints :wink:

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I know the easy narrative people come up with is ā€œThey only care about PROTEAMā€ Now itā€™s out, the same people who kept saying ā€œTheyā€™ve given up on the gameā€ before we launched it.

Changes and updates will happen, not all of them are worthy of a patch note if itā€™s a very small thing. But the ones weā€™ve been playing with while not a ā€œMajorā€ change, do add some good feels to the experience so far in testing.


Thats a really great answer, and I have loved being on the journey of BA since gosh DB14 on PS4 back in the day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway could you say these updates/tweaks will add more enjoyable time to the game and worth some notes when they get released so we know what they are?? :slight_smile:

Well Iā€™m back, been busy starting from stretch but itā€™s better :wink::relieved:

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