AFL 23 - Megathread


players run away from their opponent and run around in circles and backwards all the time when you have your tactics set as locate. need the manning up fixed on the next patch

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When is the next patch update for consoles and steam?

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Is Proteam just a customizable team mode? Or is there much more to it. Any clarification will be extremely appreciated.

Hey any more news on afl 23 on Xbox


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Any idea what the 50m penalty was paid for?
There is an animation where the player takes a speccy and they land hard on the ground, so the ball sort of bounces next to themā€¦ But thatā€™s paid a mark (as it should be).
I havenā€™t seen a 50m penalty paid in this situation thoughā€¦ You might need to send a video through to Supportā€¦ because maybe something else triggered the 50m penalty (like a teammate later ran over to the marker when they shouldnā€™t have, encroaching the mark).

Alsoā€¦ I didnā€™t know you canā€™t speccy to punch the ball. I thought it was fine as long as you make contact with the ball and itā€™s a realistic attempt to do so.

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Hey @JNT_BA Could we have the ability to have a rotation rooster for management mode. Where we can have a team to field and also have a team or a reserve roster to help fill in for injuries. Since the last patch 98% percent of my team are injured and still they have to play on as thereā€™s no other players fit to relieve them. Also the option in creation hub just for guernsey designs would be amazing.

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Some people complain that theyā€™re getting 0 injuries and youā€™re getting too many? I average like 1 every 2-3 games to a reserve player - I do heavy weekly rotations though (eg. 7-8 changes a week) so I get a good mix of players out

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Was it from a kick in?
I had this a few times when my controlled player was standing near the player on the markā€¦ and the mark for the kick in is a lot further back than usual, so I didnā€™t really notice it.

My defenders always get injured and when I match sim in management mode the injuries are season ending so I definitely donā€™t use the match sim option anymore at the moment. So I assume itā€™s a bug then?

The next update will go out when itā€™s ready, still no ETA. Which is really how itā€™s going to be from now on unless there is emergency situations. When we can confirm itā€™s ready to go weā€™ll let everyone know.


@JNT_BA has there been any discussion of increasing the frequency of injuries in-game? Iā€™m yet to experience one, only when games are simmed. Also anything on suspensions? Iā€™m playing every round of my management mode so wanting a bit of a further challenge.

Thatā€™s a hard one to answer as people will read it differently depending on the words, but putting it simply we are not done with AFL23, as much as some people like to think we are.

We updated Cricket 22 for a long while adding things in such as the kit updates and assorted things. When we are done we will say, but for now we are not done and the team continues to work on it. As well as I still work on it everyday with our other projects.


Iā€™m glad that BA are as passionate about AFL23 as I am :+1::grin:


Iā€™m just not giving an exact date as things can change, but for those saying this is not in the ā€œshort termā€ really doesnā€™t make sense, when that was never mentioned. Thereā€™s no way to put it without someone taking it out of context, but its sooner rather than later. Again there are some things in it ive been tracking for a while, and these are not small things to throw around as they will have a gameplay impact. Since I know this will be relayed to the other place. Hi guys :wave:


Tbh I wouldnā€™t mind waiting longer for patches Iā€™m enjoying the in game match injury reports.


Are The Default Stadiums Correctly Assigned to the revlevant teams?

I was playing a few matches against other reserve teams and apparently all their home games were only played at the Alberton Oval. Hope to see this getting fixed.

I personally havenā€™t had issues with turning circlesā€¦ I mean, sprinting makes you unable to turn tighterā€¦ thatā€™s realistic though.
I also I donā€™t sprint as much as I did in previous AFL gamesā€¦ so maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t notice it (also may be the reason I donā€™t have much of an issue with tackling either).

For most of the movement issues, I reckon itā€™s best to post videos and/or send explanations to support so they can see what animations are causing the problems. I still reckon itā€™s something to do with specific animation transitions.
The only invisible walls I notice in the game are when the opposition have a set shotā€¦ and my players canā€™t encroach the mark (which is a good thing).

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