AFL 23 - Megathread

What do you mean by this mate " I’m enjoying the in game match injury reports."

Is this something new I’m missing out on?? :slight_smile:

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No, I’m just enjoying the injuries my team are getting. Some of the injuries I’ve never heard of so it’s been very educational for me but it sucks that some of the injuries happen to the players I draft just before they join the club.

They happening on simulated games only? because that’s what I find that’s how I get them

Some happen in simulated games. A few happen in actual games and quite a few of the recruits I draft come to the club injured and these injuries are always season ending injuries. Even my first-round pick came to my club with an injured back and I couldn’t use him for an entire season. It’s a mixed bag I would say.

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Can we PLEASE get just a response on Xbox release, just want to be acknowledged that BigAnt are still working on getting it to us.


(post deleted by author)

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I’m surprised that extended squads aren’t apart of AFL23. Would be cool to have a bigger interchange selection just like the real deal.

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@stallionsCEO the squad selection before a match is team selection so it’s basically already like the real deal

We have the interchange bench but what about the emergency players. Should we have those in game too? (That’s what I was originally referring too)

@stallionsCEO Oh I knew what you meant, but if they did a screen for emergencies then we’d have to submit another screen for the team to do final selection…and considering last minute injuries aren’t a feature there wouldn’t be any need for an extra screen :sweat_smile: weren’t you already saying there’s too many injuries? :joy:

Yeah I was saying that exactly but I thought it would be a cool feature

would love to use all the stadiums in online custom games, any idea when we could see a basic feature like this added?

Any danger of some form of communication about further delays for Xbox and Pro Team. Given that it is already the 11th of August with no news when we were told it would be at retailers late July/ early August could it be that much of an issue in coming out and just saying sorry but its going to be further delayed.


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Why even patch more stuff if Xbox hasn’t been released yet? Definitely suspicious


It’s probably out of @RossSymons and @JNT_BA control they just make the game. I’d be asking Microsoft not Bigant if I was a Xbox player. Maybe even ask Nacon the publisher maybe they know more :man_shrugging:


Ding ding ding, we have a winner!


Next week is the middle of august, if there is no news on xbox within the next week as the game was supposed to come out late july-early august, i think it will be safe to say that the game is not coming out on xbox


Do you know when the next patch is coming out?

No one knows when the next patch is coming out. Bigant will inform us when the patch is available.