AFL 23 - Megathread

@stallionsCEO the positions shouldn’t change if you select the first item, the AI will only do it if you select the second option. You can still submit your normal team and simulate

Im so done with afl 23 all the players positions keep changing during a match like fowards playing as defenders, fowards playing in the ruck and midfielders player in the forward or defence, defenders in the forward line please big ant fix that problem

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Sorry bud, but I think everything you’re complaining about plus the 15 other comments you’ve written saying the same thing is user error. Sure there is plenty of bugs, but the bugs aren’t screwing with your score.

If you’re finding it so difficult to win drop it back a level to easy. It’s not a competition on who can play on the highest difficulty. Play on easy or easiest until you get a hang of the controls, tackling, marking etc whatever else you’re struggling with. Then jump back up to medium when your ready


I think the “It’s not as crap as you are” line is entirely plausible for most of us…


@crowsfan02 that’s completely irrelevant to anything you’ve complained about :joy:

@crowsfan02 don’t worry, I saw your comment before it was removed. Go back and play afl evo 2 then, the absolute shambles of a game that had a 2 month life. Like it or not, AFL23 is the best afl experience we’ve had in 15 years. At least if you go play evo 2 we won’t have to listen to your complaining….also hopefully medium on that isn’t too hard for you


What I miss? Man I wish I was quicker to check this stuff…

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Haha, nothing important. Was all fine apart from one word. But they’ve been warned before.


@JNT_BA with the absolute eyesore the spelling usually is, I’m surprised they got that word right :joy:…too much?:sweat_smile:

Has the 2023/2024 draft picks had their digital selves created yet for the end of the season? (I’m very curious and very interested I love the draft)


Would be an interesting one - majority of the draft pool are 17 and still classified as “children” legally, so I’m not sure how that would go. Plus I don’t think they’re part of the Players union until they’re actually drafted.

Yeah, I dare say the is a minefield too far.

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Can’t see them scanning them before the draft. A lot of work to round up a bunch of 17 year olds that might not even get drafted. Surely that’s a post-draft, early next year thing.

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No Xbox , No Pro Team, A lackluster management mode and people are suggesting or wanting new draft crop to be scanned and in the game LOL


Would it be possible to make forwards not hard tag the defenders to allow for switching the ball through defence tactics?

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Ross is off with an injury. Maybe he’ll make an appearance, not sure.

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Not even a please or thank you. Wowsers

We demand to know the timeline for Ross’ recovery and when and if any poarticular patches or plasters have been applied.
Thoughts and prayers people, thoughts and prayers.


@Chuckinho ‘how dare Ross have a medical procedure while I still don’t have the game on xbox’


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