AFL 23 - Megathread

Microsoft gagging them hasn’t stop them from announcing a delay at all over the course of time. Not hard to put a statement out saying they can’t deliver the advertised early August updated release date. No need to go into specifics or reasons just tell people and don’t stay silent which looks dodgy as hell.


What happened to weekly updates on player ratings?


Honestly, I just wish they added sliders and gave us the ability to edit player stats. We can then patch the game ourselves and hopefully make it enjoyable to play lol

The lack of physicality in the game, the terrible low down/Blair Witch camera angles, uninspiring highlight replays, weirdly presented match/player statistics, erratic tackling capability, difficulty following the flight of the ball (especially when shooting for goal on the run), perfectly timed set shots still looking like floaters in the air… there is still so, so much work that needs to be done to make this game enjoyable.

And don’t get me started on the bare bones management mode and overall horrible UI.

The AI is still really messy - players ignoring a loose ball spilled from a tackle, no awareness/willingness to keep the ball inside the boundary line, etc.

Hopefully the name AFL23 implies that there will be an AFL24, which we can only dream will involve a significant overhaul of the current product.

Better graphics than Evo2, as you’d expect, but geez they’ve really botched this game IMO. Delays, broken patches & poor communication are the ribbon on top.

Hopefully the next patch is a big one…


Love the sound of this, is it a decent patch in size with a few added things? :slight_smile:

Something that I would like to see is umpire animations, and maybe update their whistle. I feel like the whistle is a little weak.

I love breaking the ai. I tend to break the opposition ai every few games. It’s fun running laps around them on medium. I tend to see 120 points

I’d love to see crowd giving it to the umpires animations


That would be awesome!!

Not to mention some floggers…


I was surprised that the game didn’t have them. Almost all the other AFL games have had them

We all know that floggers are simply ghosts that reign in suburban grounds.

Very off topic and not related to the game, but how heavy are they to actually use/wave. Seen people struggle with them at games

All in the technique.


Hey team, hope all is well.
I’ve had a few bugs to report, but I’m sure you’re maybe aware of some. Just in case:

  • I’ve had an issue where I’m unable to spoil a mark in hardest mode, might be a skill issue but it’s really rare.

  • The other team sometimes kicks it straight to me from a mark taken, causing frequent turnovers. This also happens when they’re kicking out of the goal square.

  • Steam overlay doesn’t work with this game. I have tried verifying integrity through Steam options, but this hasn’t fixed the issue. Steam screenshots don’t work, so I’m unable to take photos to share to Steam.

  • On hardest mode I can’t win the bounce in the middle, but I can win throw in’s and ball ups. The mechanics seem different between the two.

  • I have issues with moving players. I’m finding when I’m defending, the player I select are not moving towards the ball when I’m directing them to. It’s like there’s an invisible wall there sometimes.

  • Please let the opposition AI in hard mode miss some shots. I’m having many games where they literally hit every goal.

  • When the opposition goes for a set shot, can my team’s AI please go into the goal square. I’m finding they’re all hanging loose outside the box.

  • Sometimes on hardest mode I’m finding I can’t mark inside 50 at all, but I can midfield and in the back line.

I’m actually starting to enjoy the game, but these bugs are extremely frustrating. I’m looking forward to the patches that are incoming.


As always mate, the best thing to do is make a ticket. on

Not too sure about the missing right infront of goals being fixed, I have just missed 3 in an open goal square.

The degree to which it is poor user skill, game bug or poor timing is what it is.

Only repeating what Ross said when he joined a Pink Panters stream

Whens the next patch update?

Hopefully with a lift on player limits too :wink: