AFL 23 - Megathread

Had a quick run of the patch this morning. Stuck in the mud wasn’t happening for me anymore, and AI were definitely missing more set shots which is great to see (Jamie Elliot missed a sitter from about 30 metres out directly in front). Only played about 20 minutes though so didn’t get a full run at it

Oh I didn’t know. But single match is playable to a certain degree but management mode is broken so I’ll wait for a fix to management mode before I dig back into the game


@stallionsCEO Define broken, are you finding the gameplay is different between single match and management mode? The gameplay has improved since the patch.

Fix everything big ant please


Has anyone seen any improvement in AI set shots? They’re still scoring goals from everywhere. I even run to tight angles on purpose for them to tackle me and give them a kick and they still make it from tight angles.

One of the few behinds the opponents have had against me was caught out of bounds by Ben King, the announcer says it’s a behind, but then he runs to the middle of the window 50 and scores a goal. This is on PS5 by the way.


In management mode I would mark the ball and get done for holding the ball when marking the ball, I assume my management mode save is broken and single matches are too easy even on hard. So I’ll have to wait a few weeks until I fix it.

@stallionsCEO I’ve only come across that if I’ve accidentally held down sprint by accident…I’ve noticed recently anything like that for me is human error the games pretty sound.

I can’t imagine the Single Game and Management mode gameplay would be any different as they’re both offline.

where is pro team? almost 4 months since this came out, seasons almost over and no updates on this?


Patch is good. Negative points still:

If you smother with L1 while tackling you get some kind of pinball effect where the ball just flies around the place.

Torpedoes from outside 50. Patch this ASAP please. Two players online abuse it, if they get the ball outside the centre circle they just torpedo for goal and 9/10 shots go in, regardless if you tackle them.


Pro team releases with Xbox

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When does pro team release for steam and also will we soon be able to play with a custom team in a management career?

I have the same issue on hardest. It’s a total letdown.

Pro team will release on ps5 and steam when the game comes out on Xbox if ever

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I’m playing 5 minute quarters and will probably have the opposition average scores of 7.4 with set shots missed in that - I spoil a lot though so they don’t tend to get many set shots. Not smacking as many behinds as the 10-12 behind days, but certainly not nailing everything any more.

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@JNT_BA New bug found, “leave it to list management” at the end of my season crashes the game. Not sure if it’s because the cap is so high it melts down or if it’s a bug

Nah mate, its rife.

I don’t go online for that exact reason. The amount of times that happens as well as the 90m torps from the centre kill the experience.

I’m all for a tight game, but to go out and exploit the loopholes and winning by over 100pts doing that exact thing seems to be the way most of the online community do it.

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Thanks for the tip! I’ll keep at it.

Ps4 - thoughts on new update…

Play on hardest, has to drop a difficulty down to hard as I was getting blown away, good thing as it’s now another level I can build up to.

Player movement, omg I feel like I’m actually in control of my player now. Laying tackles, kicking, stab kicking all feel really good when you get your players out and break away.

Hand-balling out of the middle is my style of play and it works brilliantly, there’s a few that shoot off to the oppo but that’s user error for not aiming at my players.

Still a couple of little bugs during marking contests where the oppo is not in a position to mark and out marks me by glitching forward.

Overall this is one of the best updates yet, I love the feel of the players, it kinda feels sped up but I think it’s just because we have been playing with such clunky players for so long.

Nice work @JNT_BA @RossSymons

People complaining still, I kinda think a lot of it is now coming doing to user/skill error….


Absolutely. I maintain that with a ball sport with so many variables there is going to be varied experiences.


The training mode promised in the roadmap would help with that ‘user error’ though!