AFL 23 - Megathread

Anyone know when the next patch will be out?

I found playing on an easier difficulty when the game first came out helped me learn the game heaps, that way I had more opportunities to have shots on goal and play around a bit more. Yeah a tutorial mode might be cool but is it really needed?


Gotta agree there. Learn on easy then go hard :wink:

stat leaderboard dont work in management mode or competition. Game is on the up and up hardest difficulty is a massive jump from hard, sliders need to be added to help change that and customize what works for you. would be good to add in a way to change a player’s position in management mode of have them a secondary position if possible in the future depending on how hard it is to do. Stats on the hud that pops up during set shots are also bugged showing massively incorrect statistics. Game is feeling great though!!! hopefully not too long until the next update but better for them to get it right then rush it.

also would be good to see AI set up in different formations in the centre square and on defensive kick outs as sometimes i cannot kick to anyone as they’re manned up so would be nice if you could let plays roam away from their man and be a option for a short chip on a kick in and even have the setting in tactics to add a spare defender behind ball and a tagging role for a player and you can choose who they can tag just thoughts is all.


When taking a set shot, always aim to the far post. If they are right footed, aim just inside the right hand goal post. If left footed, aim just inside the left goal post. The power you basically just need to stop it inside the blue and you’ll be right - unless you’re kicking from outside 50 then it gets tricky (but you’ll more than likely not make distance than spray it).

On the run I’m missing the same amount as you. The little dial moves so quick it’s just hit and miss sometimes as to whether you’re going to goal or not. For some reason I tend to have better luck holding down O for longer than quickly tapping and releasing. But I’m averaging 8-10 behinds a game on 5 minute quarters

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Not playing AFL 23 until the next patch comes out and all the rosters and coaches are updated!

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@Andii23 Looks like you won’t be playing for a while then, might as well have an XBOX at that rate.

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I doubt there will be a roster update until next year after the draft…

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No worries mate. Enjoy yourself…
Not likely to be any updates for a while given that this season is still going and trade rumours are about, let alone that fact that the draft is ages away.
If there were to be a roster update, I would have thought that 2024 would probably be when it happens :wink:

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On your first point, I would assume it was common knowledge that the ball curves left or right depending on what foot is it kicked with. Also that the more into the red means that the range of perfection is less. Not sure devs needed to explain that.

But as for the timing on the 2nd point, I tend to find that if you can time it just before it hits the dark blue, you are sweet.

Anything beyond that will see the ball skew off the boot.


I used to aim more sky but am finding better contact going a bit darker.

Haha yeah I aim for dark blue or a tiny bit of orange and that seems to work

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Bye silly request how can there be a updated roster where still in 2023

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Biggest feature needed (for me) is Fatigue on the interchange screen.

Auto interchange doesn’t work so this at least allows players to bench players in need of rest.

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Have always wondered how the game is coded to value trades and draft picks etc. AFL games have always struggled with trades, especially since trading picks came in. I remember in Evo 2 I traded a 52 rated player and pick 108 for Pick 3; Live 2 was even worse where you could trade Pick 90 for Gary Ablett & Pick 5. This one is actually not that bad in comparison but I do agree that trades can be easy (eg. in my current save, I traded Cooper Stephens & Josh Bennetts to the Gold Coast for their future 1st and 2nd when in real life, the two of them packaged together would struggle to get a 2nd/3rd rounder).

I get they need to keep a balance where if you want a player or pick, it’s not impossible to get them where you’ll throw the remote away, but there has to be some back end points value or something that determines what a pick and player etc. are worth. To be fair even FIFA struggles with it, money isn’t hard to come by even for the dud teams and players move around freely. ****

so is the issue around how much players move around? surely there is far less movement in AFL than say in soccer.

One key thing I have noticed is everyone kicks differently. If you play with the same team and get to know your player/how much swing left or right it makes it a lot easier.

Then you also have to consider wind as well, Most right footers I will aim at the right goal post, sometimes just inside the points depending on angle, distance, wind etc. The less power you select the bigger the accuracy bar will be, also depending on who you have lining up for goal will affect the accuracy bar.

Once you’ve selected your power, you want to
Stop the bar as close to the dark blue like to the left for right footers and right for left footers. If you tap your kick button just before that dark blue part and depending on all other considerations (wind, placement of the aiming cross etc) you should be kicking goals.

Hope that helps

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I think some people aren’t happy that it’s so easy to trade for Pick 1 - real life you’d have to sell the farm for it, whereas in the game some people can trade a mid-range player and pick and get it regardless of the difficulty settings. I haven’t ever really tried any over-the-top trade deals to test that out myself though.
In terms of movement, there is actually quite a lot in this game - not as crazy as Evo 2 but still quite a few. Lots get delisted, a few trades, but there’s still the weird occurances where blokes like Matt Rowell and Nick Daicos were delisted after 2023 and picked up in the midseason draft.

I don’t have any issues with recruitment besides the “lock down to 1000 players at draft” thing and there not being any “offers” put to you

Ah, the 1000…
Anywho, I guess we need to accept that in a parallel universe Rowell and Daicos might get delisted if they don’t meet the grade. Were their seasons particularly trash?

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