AFL 23 - Megathread

Heaps better on Xbox to, thx a million big ant


would be great to be able to set tactics for every team in the club manager section the same way we can already change lineups

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Move on mate no chance of that lol

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Switching sides is in a lot of sport titles already too. Hopefully the suggestion has been received but I’m not sure how else to submit suggestions.

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@hollywoodhomeboy I guess they could amend the tactics from their end for each team to mimic the IRL playstyle as much as possible

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They could or allow us to, either works. I’d like to have the freedom to edit it to my interpretation and would save big ant the time.

Anything? Anything at all?


I haven’t played the game in ages due to the lack of content. I’m very lucky to have a ps5 to play it on too. I really feel for the Xbox community. Totally left in the dark, almost abandoned. I know big ant will say they haven’t, but lads, its not a good image to present to everyone with just straight radio silence. Transparency is key. This game has lacked it since day one. You may sight a couple of instances such as patch notes or small little updates on this thread but personally that’s nothing. Unacceptable


I completely understand @JNT_BA :+1:

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Absolutely. It honestly feels like they’d rather hide and pretend that this game never happened than actually be transparent about it at this point which doesn’t help anyone.

I’m honestly surprised and stunned at how things have been handled and frankly doesn’t make me or most people here confident about the future of this game or future games.

I want to believe that you guys are trying to make things better and give us a good idea of what is going on but it’s hard to trust you guys at this point.

I honestly think the future looks quite dim IMO. I’d love for that to change but from what I’ve seen, I don’t think it’s going to…


The AFL team constantly works on the game, even when there haven’t been “announcements” as such. Be it in large or small changes. Constant updates going through to the game all the time. Be it small bug fixes or larger changes while a patch is being prepared, you know… the “stability updates”

I know the next two things I have been watching intently as they get updated and tuned have to do with difficulties and some potential updates to interchange methods. These need lots of time and testing to make sure they work as intended and expected, especially with the difficulties of making sure it works with the other updates we have done in the past. The stuff I personally have been working on is much less impressive than the features being developed.

In terms of when it will really come down to when each feature is ready, tested, and complete to go out.


The amount of people on this thread who genuinely believe the people at BA go into work and do nothing everyday is astounding. They’ve obviously done a remodel to their business plan for when ProTeam/Xbox etc come to life, everyone here has to remember, they’re not EA or 2k, they don’t have thousands of specialised employees.
I would say starting an AFL game from scratch would be a lot more difficult than a soccer(football) or basketball game purely because of how complex the game is. It’s the same people over and over again who are hounding BA, trust me guys, the more you hound the less likely you’ll get a response.
The game is incredibly playable at the moment, a lot of people just want things adjusted so that it becomes easier for them, which is a load of garbage imo.


Random one but do opposition players appear in goal celebration cut scenes at all?

eg seeing your player celebrate with a teammate, with a disappointed-looking opponent in the BG.

@Fearthebeard13 The amount of comments over the past few months wanting daily updates has just been exhausting. I can just imagine how frustrating it is for Xbox users don’t get me wrong I get that, but time and time again JNT has mentioned that they literally don’t have an answer on the situation, they’re not keeping anything from anyone. I figured it’s ‘obvious’ as it’s a no brainer with the unexpected delays on Xbox and pro team? Things weren’t ready because I guarantee you they were rushed by the AFL to release the product for fan event purposes even when it wasn’t ready for release. Especially with Pro team, as I mentioned before, this is their first go at a mode like this…it’s basically only being put in because of the popularity of Ultimate team and MyTeam from fifa and 2k respectively, they’ve been doing testing for quite a while and it may be a new concept to the dev team…wouldn’t you rather a polished version of that mode instead of a broken one? You mentioned you don’t want things broken and unfinished but then rush them for content?

Big fan of BigAnt, always have been, but I can’t disagree with the masses here. This game had so much potential and markability yet they absolutely fumbled the bag. Not sure if it was over confidence or arrogance that they thought they would be able to supply an AFL and Cricket game so close to one another (not even mentioning Tennis or Rugby lol).

There’s even comments dating back to initial release (April) from BA staff stating BA have never delayed a game and they keep themselves to such high standards (FIFA/2k), their next 4 releases have now been delayed and they’ve decided absolute radio silence is the best way to connect with their community.

In my opinion, the most disappointing thing about AFL23 isn’t even the gameplay, it’s the fact they’ve constantly lied and deceived the very people purchasing and playing their product. Things happen, people make mistakes but what is the point of just continually chatting rubbish? What is so tough about taking accountability and apologising?

Not intending to put any of the staff down as many comments have already mentioned, they’ve worked their butts off to get this as playable as possible and I think that should be commended. Just wish there was some more accountability and genuine communication shown, don’t think we’ll see another AFL game for half a decade and I wouldn’t be holding my breath on a good reliable cricket game either! It’s been good my friends :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Every time you patch something you make another problem, just make a game for Xbox aye these afl evo 2 graphics are killing my eyes


All the drama aside if I was able to change the tactics of the ai opposition, the game would be 150% more playable. Just want the suggestion be heard.

Because 99% of the communication we get are in the patch notes, we have no real idea of what is being worked on outside of those notes. We do know the set shot mechanics have been overhauled about 3 or 4 times since launch, whereas other modes either haven’t been touched or haven’t even launched yet. It gives the impression that Big Ant are so out of step with the community it’s not even funny. I’d be happy if Management Mode actually lived up to its name, for example. We just want an indication of when we’ll be able to play the game that was promised to us. Has anything in the Launch Trailer actually launched four months since release?



BigFooty posts are now being deleted by the admins, because they mention that constructive critique posts in this forum aren’t getting deleted.
Haha… if you’re worried about censorship here… it’s not the only place it happens, clearly… :slight_smile:


Eta on the next patch update?