AFL 23 - Megathread

Include the ability to change the opposing AI tactics in management mode to accurately reflect the teams in real life. Would kill for this feature. At the moment all teams play the same.

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Agreed would love more control over how to set up how the CPU teams are put together and play such as attacking style of Richmond vs defence style of Ross Lyons Saints.


No 2023 AFLW team lists! @JNT_BA

Good to see Harley Reid face scanned last night @JNT_BA @RossSymons, when will the 2024 free update be? I’d assume after Xmas :frowning: ?


Hopefully whenever it is, the gameplay is fixed.
Unless of course they’re happy with the early 2000’s footy gameplay.
I mean if Evo 2 can somewhat replicate modern footy on a much smaller budget, I’d say this was more of a planned gameplay design which baffles me considering 90% of fans want to play modern football.
If we wanted a throwback, we have AFL Live 2004, 05, 06 etc :person_facepalming:t4:


Are there any plans to include Windy Hill in the 2024 update, considering it’s finally the Bombers home deck for this years AFLW season?


So AFL Draft is complete, clubs are back firing up for 2024 preseason … and we have silence in here??

When will some noise be made in here, any updates/news at least @JNT_BA @RossSymons something would be nice :slight_smile:


The Supplemental Selection Period doesn’t end til February 19, which is normally when final list lodgement takes place.


So no updates/news until Feb?? :flushed: :eyes:

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Will be interesting to see the draftee ratings and how they are worked out. Also interesting to see if the update will have updated ratings on all players or just new.

Some interesting news that Port will be joining the VFL in 2025 I’m super excited about it. Can’t wait to see that in the current game or in the possible next game AFL 25ish

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Hopefully there will be an AFL reserves league by then and the VFL. SANFL and WAFL can get on with things.

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Let’s be real… unfortunately mate a large majority of footy fans switch off over the summer. There’s no footy hype now except for “jumper numbers” and “this guy is tearing it up on the training track” fabricated by AFL media to keep them getting paid.
Better to release it in Feb/early March, as everyone is building up hype for the new season, cricket and soccer are winding down, and footy starts to take centre stage. Feels like a long time, but Round 0 is only 12 weeks and 6 days away. I’d love for the updates to be hitting thick and fast now but it wouldn’t make sense to pump that stuff out now. If there were gameplay changes like manager mode updates and patching issues like stuck in the mud etc. then yeah I’d of course welcome that, but waiting until 2024 for the ‘new/updated’ features like Pro Team/new fixtures/geurnseys etc. is the way to go. Pro Team is either going to be a big hit or a big miss, and pushing it out in the summer when everyone is still playing cricket is going to alienate it from a very large majority of their target fanbase and ruin it for the passionate fans as well. The only good thing about releasing Pro Team now is that the people who are disappointed it wasn’t at launch and feel they are owed it ASAP will be appeased, but it’s going to be a double edged sword for them.


What I do think we should start doing in the next few weeks as the team start to look into the game again is start collating & submitting our bugs and wishlists to the support page. Play 2 seasons of management mode and just collate everything that happens ; everything you think would be beneficial to the experience (eg. change jumper numbers for all players, trade offers, injuries, suspensions, less rounds in the draft, skipping picks, trainings, sliders etc.), the bugs that happen (even grab some small screen grabs of things like stuck in the mud) and push those through. Get fresh perspectives to their support page so they’re aware of what is still a priority and what the fan base still wants; they would have been absolutely drowned in the first 3-6 months and a lot of the decent recommendations most likely got buried.


May as well save that ‘Wishlist’ for AFL 25
The game as it currently is needs a massive overhaul to even get it playing like modern football, let alone fixing all the bugs there currently is and would create
Unfortunately I don’t think there’s any saving it this time around but hopefully they learn from this and AFL 25 isn’t such a disappointment

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HEAPS of fans would absolutely love a glitch-free, as-advertised AFL game to play over the off-season.

‘No point rushing it out now, may as well just wait until Feb/March next year’ is just another cop out given we haven’t had an update since August, and there is still so much missing from the game.

Given how much time and effort fans have already spent submitting requests & making suggestions - all for many of those things to be simply ignored - I really don’t think the onus should be on the fans to summarise all of that again for BA.

Many people already feel like their time spent providing constructive feedback has been a total waste of energy.

BA already know what needs works, they just don’t want to invest any more time or money into improving the game atm.


Well yeah if they’re going to fix the game and remove the glitches, then of course nobody is going to knock that back for instant patching - I even mentioned that management changes, gameplay fixes would be great and I’d take that. There’s still a lot of frustrating parts of the game that haven’t been patched that all of us would welcome yesterday. My comment was more aimed at the new content people want thrown in like Pro Team and 2024 changes - things that would be instant fails or would not get any buzz due to lack of footy interest from the general public in summer. Besides us tragics in here and Bigfooty, the other thousands of people who own the game or would consider buying would have minimal interest until closer to the season.

Played this for the first time in a few months today.

It is genuinely shocking at how many bugs are still in this game, which launched over 6 months ago now. There are so many gamebreaking bugs just in the pure gameplay which unbelievably are still so prevalent in a game which has been out for so long.

There are also so many simple features still broken. How are we 6 months in and we don’t have a properly functioning team management screen with a working sub, as well as a working sub and interchange in game?

We are still missing pro team, and the management mode is so barebones that I honestly got much much greater immersion from the Evos.

I understand that it is a hard sport to develop a game for, and it is clear to me that the base of the gameplay here already. At it’s core, the gameplay is good. It is just littered with way too many bugs for me to actually enjoy it.

In saying this however, the complete radio silence from big ant is disgusting. We have not had a patch in months, and all we are told is “we’re working on stuff”. We have absolutely no information about what could be coming to management mode, or where pro team is, however we do know that new faces are being scanned. Again a lack of prioritisation has been shown here.

I was keen on Cricket 24 however I have held off on purchasing it due to the absymal launch of AFL23. I cannot remember a game that has launched as badly as this.

Like stated above, the core gameplay is there and it is good in glimpses. I hope we get some improvements or some proper communication ASAP, or else I can guarantee I will never purchase a Big Ant game again.



I absolutely hammered the Evo games (& the other AFL games before that) and was so keen for AFL23, but just can’t push through with it given the state it’s still in.

We sat through months and months of delays and embarrassing glitches, we provided countless feedback to developers, all for them to give up around August and leave things incomplete because they needed to focus on Cricket.

I really hope that BA haven’t jeopardised investment for future AFL games.


They didn’t even bother to update the AFLW 2023 squads. So much for equal representation and being a W sponsor.