AFL 23 - Megathread

We can assume that 2024 squads are included on the 19th March patch?

And then I assume the ‘added draft players’ on the April patch should read, ‘added photogrammetry of other draft players.’

Also the 2023 AFLW squad update hasn’t happened for the season that finished last year?! Can’t really add the new changes if the old changes haven’t been updated yet. :joy:

If the marketing team are going to post a ‘roadmap’ would be good if it was communicated effectively, so it’s not so open to interpretation.


it’s a roadmap, not a streetmap :wink:

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So you’re saying they don’t need any attention to detail, and it doesn’t matter what they communicate. Being as vague as they like. Yep that’s really helped. The fact is this game still needs alot of improvements in an array of areas, I really am hopeful that changes this year, as they are yet to give the game the attention and polish it needs. For example from just one mode lies these issues:


Play Now

  • ‘Edit Lineup’ screen needs an overhaul and it is not effective as it should be. As examples:
    • There is a big space on the right that should be made better use of. (I know it becomes the second teams’ player attribute comparison profile when you select ‘EDIT OTHER SIDE’. ) But it is wasted space. You could have both appear on the left side, interchangeably.
    • Then this would free the right hand-side to put the reserves list to make it easier to find the reserves player you want to select for your team straight away rather than arduously scrolling through until you spot the player you want. Moving the reserves list to the right-side will also fix the other problem of having the font size really small. You could zoom in the whole team lineup section in the middle.
    • Players are missing key details including height and on-field players are missing preferred position. Reserve players have Interchange as their position. This makes it really difficult to make an informed selection decisions.
    • ‘SET ROLES’ cannot currently be taken away from players, just overridden. For example, Brisbane kickout roles could be assigned to Player A and Player B. If I want to give player C the kickout role instead of Player B, I need to select Player C, click the SET ROLES button to take it off Player A first, and then select Player A, click the SET ROLES button again to finally take the role off Player B so it’s back to Player A. See, more arduous then it should be.
    • The player comparison ‘STATS’ list should be named the ‘ATTRIBUTES’ list. As it is not comparing stats, it is comparing attributes. The stats is the numbers collected during a match such as number of kicks, number of tackles etc.
    • Also the two ‘generic’ colours of blue and red are very confusing when comparing players attributes for different matchups. At the moment users need to triple/quadruple check the player for each colour when comparing the attributes pentagon and list. Especially for matchups such as North Melbourne (red) vs Sydney (blue). See, very very confusing.

This screenshot I posted last year demonstrates some of the above suggestions but for a different context; that being season mode.


You make good points, but that’s far more detail than the size of their graphic roadmap would allow.

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The post i just made with suggestions for improvements isn’t for the roadmap graphic. That was other post I made 2 hours ago. The post I just made is exemplifying the lack of attention they are making for the game, as demonstrated in the vague roadmap, and as also demonstrated with the PLAY NOW team selection screen issues. And there are many many many more examples to the point where I have to question whether these guys actually revise their work properly.


Company that builds video games has hands tied by the size of the graphic that they designed lol sounds about right

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why cant big ant just realise the squad update and fixture as change as promised now

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Nah. More that I reckon BigAnt are trying to do simple communication. Which I’m sure folk on here would think was better than no communication.

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Chucky gunning for a second free copy of the game and tour of Big Ant HQ.


Simple communication is fine as long as the communication is clear and effective, and not riddled with errors/oversights. Would help to revise their work. I don’t recall an announcement for an AFL game update ever not mentioning the new team lists will be included

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nah man. The tour was gruelling enough the first time :wink:

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Imagine doing bugger all for 6 months and still missing the start of the season for Pro Team. No chance it releases when they say.


imagine assuming they’ve done bugger all for 6 months…
Chances are they’ve been doing stuff, mostly for other games like Cricket and Tennis and Rugby.

Imagine an Australian game studio thinking it would be a good idea to release 4 sport games in one year…


I can’t share links for whatever reason, but I find it funny Big Ant’s own website still makes references to “gameplans developed in association with AFL coaches to have players react as they would on the field.” and “Commentary featuring Anthony Hudson, Hamish McLachlan, Daisy Pearce, Daniel Harford, Kelli Underwood and Jason Bennett.”

Should replace all that with the back of the box description.


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That one annoys me too. First game of the season and it shows they’ve kicked 203 goals for the year. I think it may be showing their career stats maybe? I know with some draftees that seems to match up for more for their career. Darling was on 480something goals to start 2023. But then come finals time, that all shows as 0.

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The closest thing we have to a career mode, is a bug :rofl:


big ant can you add suspension in management mode and have injury cutscene please.