AFL 23 - Megathread

I have it on Steam and I’m loving it. Having only just got the game a week ago I’ve had little experience pre-patch but the difference in flow and actually enjoying the game in noticable. Getting the ball out from stopages has improved out of sight IMO. Big fan of this patch. Really well done. :star_struck:


Appreciate the updates, and the additional info included in the other thread!

Can’t wait to give the new patch a spin tonight. :muscle:t2:

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Patch is good, well done Big Ant. What a relief!

For the sake of the partially sane afl gaming community, can you please PLEASE snapshot this build, make 50 backups and store them in a secure remote location. We need this to be the new baseline and if exciting new features break the game one day, this is where we go back to.


That sounds very very promising
I could ask some questions, but I’m going to refrain until I have a chance to look at it myself. I’d encourage everyone else to do the same :wink:


From anyone that’s played the new update, how is the interchange auto rotations and are their any visible players on the bench in game?

The last few weeks I have been playing, I have noticed some frame rate issues when playing, I don’t think it was like this previously, but I haven’t been savvy enough to fix it yet.

Any thoughts on where I could tweak settings?

The other piece I haven’t tried is updating the graphics driver too.

Won the a custom season GF last night and looking forward to the new update!


In regards to player movement, feels like double speed and it took a game or two to get used to but the more offloads instead of ball ups or holdings is a welcome addition. Im playing on steam and only picked up the game a few days ago, in game my fps looks stuck in the 40’s, ive tried moving around all the graphics settings and no real changes… Any tips from anyone?

Haven’t played new patch yet (just my luck today is my one forced office day for the month).

Does the patch clash at all with existing careers and/or save files? Saw a comment elsewhere saying to delete all seasons before playing or it wipes 2024 player defaults and roles. Was gonna continue my current manager mode until the lists are finalised in next patch but don’t want to break the game

Has the interchange screen been fixed?

@JNT_BA @RossSymons

Can we surely get online interchange please
And be able to use custom teams.

Should have been apart of this update. Very easy to turn on for online play

For the next patch can they add trainings and tutroals

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AFL games are notoriously difficult to run at high FPS. I’ll never forget the day I loaded Evo 1 for the first time on a GTX1080 - a decent build at the time - and it was a freaking slideshow.

Don’t have any answers sorry but I feel your pain, especially considering any AFL game at 144mhz is twice as fun to play.


Turning VSync off got me the biggest framerate boost.

Also someone recently mentioned turning the ball trail setting to off is supposed to help. See if that works.


First bug for the arvo.
Adding a new custom logo and I click on the page icon to add and it automatically adds this logo

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PSA - when you download the patch delete any saved seasons that you have. If you load them it screws up the new team positions and you’ll be editing it from scratch in the academy. Understandable but still something that probably should have been made crystal clear in the patch notes.

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Not a bad update, showing promise.
Controls MUCH better.
This is much more like the game we expected and were promised.
Tackling still a little finicky at times.
Unfortunately the headless chook off-the-ball AI movement is untouched and probably stands out even more now that so much has been improved.
Sometimes less is more. Players walking or jogging at times rather than crazy ants at ALL times…
Also, I can’t help but think slowing down player movement/ game speed might help (with everything).
I’d like to see if we can’t get some more packs forming around the ground in marking contests. Inside 50 and on the wings, down the line.
It’s just a bit too 1on1.
Otherwise mostly positive.


My kicking skills with the big kick have disappeared. almost everything goes out of bounds on the full. Not sure if it is my kicking or something else…

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Being able to play the new patch and its improved but it still doesnt play out like a real game of footy.
Too many headless chooks and not enough packs forming down the wing and forward lines, and not enough crumming.
The AI also feel the need to play on at all costs especially when not under pressure.
Sometimes locking onto players to kick to will unlock, causing you to spray the kick.
Also hearing some weird frog noise coming from the crowd?

Why is the ratings for players getting worse, like why is Matt Rowell and Noah Anderson 86 overall and Nick Daicos only 88. the ratings were good all we needed were the rookies like why is keidan Coleman a 79 and Lachie Neale a 89 when Hugh mcluggage is 91, now all team ratings are really low

I’m still getting “You’re restricted from using communication features” when trying to use quick code for Academy.

Suffice to say that I am big enough and ugly enough for this not to be the case…

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