AFL 23 - Megathread

AFL 23_20240320150523

Can someone help i get this after a game in Season and evertything goes back to default can’t progress with season

Just a question on management mode. Is there a reason why we still can’t spectate our team in this mode? I would think a lot who want to play this mode want to manage the team and let the ai slug it out. Seems like an easy fix that would be appreciated by many.

Yeah I’m struggling with kicks on the run during play towards goal. I’m just pressing X and aiming towards goal and hoping for the best, or hitting a lead each time now. The sweet spot on the kicking bar is way too small unless you’re in the goal square. Makes the game harder for me as I’m not nailing everything though

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You telling me I need to hold/press 3 buttons now to lay a tackle? Typical big ant fix one thing (honing) and break another. I was tackling just fine (for the most part) without needing to use the honing button.

usually if you kick with a right footer, their shot will swing left, vice versa. So when taking a shot with a leftie, I am left a bit to allow. this happens in real life too, so kinda makes sense.

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Team management screen still sucks, desperately need a separate scrolling section for bench compared to reserves as well as a separate spot entirely for sub. Auto interchange is still terrible. also never seems to activate the sub, as well as moves Fin Macrae to full back for me, rarely rotates 90% of players.


hey is anyone else having trouble with placing logos onto custom gurneys, for some reason when I try and do it it automatically puts the first custom logo onto the Guernsey.

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The most enjoyable games I’m getting on the new update is out of the online games. I know you can’t mimic AI to user control but the games flow so much better.

Problems I’ve come across in single player mode.

  • not being able to tackle when you want to
  • switching player off the ball

Are not issues with the online gameplay.

Not sure how both gameplays feel and play so much differently :thinking:

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Ok a few days in.
They HAVE to slow the game speed/player speed a little…PLEASE!

Other improvements:

  • add contested pack marking. I know having physics based collisions is most likely off the table for this version but having pack contests where there is ball spillage and players going to the ground not only adds realism but also the randomness of the real life game. It’s far too 1 on 1 and kick-mark-kick-mark.

  • more players around contests
    There needs to be a way of replicating the congestion of stoppages a bit better.
    Right now at a stoppage, once the ruckmen win a tap the players start running off in all directions leaving only the player that receives the tap and his opponent. If they can get (some) players to remain in tight with smothers and tackles at times it would add realism. There is an element of luck in real life at stoppages as to the bounce of the ball, or some in tight handballs or quick dump kicks to get the clearance.

There has to be a small amount of randomness with the ball pinging around a bit. Once you do get a clearance, if there’s still a decent amount of people around the ball, the rest of the ground opens up and then relies on your skill again in ball use or defending.
I know that sounds hard to implement
But having the ball being smothered in tight congestion more often and ball spilling free randomly out of tackles with little or no prior opportunity would create enough randomness and realism as opposed to what we have now.

And the other major one gameplay wise, is much smarter off the ball AI.
This is a glaring issue to be honest.


I dont understand why we have to wait so long for a another patch

Suggestion for next patch so far

Things to update
Update commentary and grand final visuals
So its 2024 season stuff

Things to add
Sliders and custom diffculty
Trainings and tutroals like promised at launc

Things to fix

Make it stop showing acdemy is corrupt after every god dem game!

Things that 2k do is show player and team stats, so for pre game visuals can we add things like team stats such as where they are on the ladder and there next 5 games

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As someone who makes banners, I’d rather that stat stuff came up at stoppages :wink:

Just played a few games tonight after the patch and I absolutely love it. Finally is close to feeling like a real game. Things I’d love to see added to next patch.
Gang tackles. More congestion around the ball. Hand balling is good now so congestion shouldn’t be a issue…
Injuries during game. So the sub has to be used. Players staying down for longer after big collisions or pack spoils/marks.
And more cut scenes after whistles (ball ups/free kicks/ out of bounds.) you guys have great graphics and motion captures so why not use it more to show it off and if people don’t want that they can have option to turn off.

And management mode. More injury’s and to be able to see the stats of the reserves game so you can choose who to put in seniors and who to drop to reserves. Love the work thanks


For the enxt patch can the ratings be fixed
Also whenever i put on hard diffucukt in season or mangement mode it always go goes to meduim diffuclty same with if i put it on hardest it goes to hard can you fix that big ant please.

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Is it possble for big ant to realase another patch before april 23rd beacsuse that would be appreciated.
If big ant could realease small patches between dates that would be good aswell.


I’ve put some tickets in for a couple of wee issues in academy which have been caused by the update, so hopefully there will be a awee fix coming along for those :wink:

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Do Bigant have quality assurance because these errors created from patches, big and small, just don’t seem to end

I would be assured they do. Saying that, these games are rather complicated and multifaceted.