AFL 23 - Megathread

Playing on PS5 tonight season mode Crash after i kick a Goal error report sent in

If a minor patch breaks the game, what’s the Pro Team patch going to do?


Hardest difficulty still broken

Are you crashing still?

Hardest difficulty is genuinely broken, I’m winning every game by 100+. I win by less on hard.

Oh, well the hotfix patch didn’t address that. That will update with sliders.


sliders are coming!!

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Will this be in the April 23rd patch?? @JNT_BA

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The gameplay is not that clean and its shakey on my ps4

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Is training and tutriol modes being added in the next patch

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same very laggy on ps4

Really glad sliders are coming.

Were they meant to be announced offhand in a random forum post?

I’m desperate for an AI Shepherding system or someway of calling for one.

You think we didn’t mention them previously?
We talked about them a while ago.

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I have an issue when I go to mark the ball on ps5 by pressing triangle but it automatically spoils instead meaning I am unable to mark anymore (I have tried multiple controllers so that is not the issue)

Fair enough. I don’t recall seeing them in any roadmaps.

What about things like training modes etc from roadmaps past?

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Enjoying the game a bit more, I just play online with a friend though but hoping online gets some love at some point ie; custom venues, teams etc.

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its still laggy on my ps4

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hey big ant what did you fix on the patch

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@JNT_BA, experiencing the good old mid game crash in online just like it used to be. Just randomly crashed both players from the game. Dunno if anyone else experiences this still but it is very annoying would love for it to be fixed.