AFL 23 - Megathread

THIS would be awesome if some of these things can get added :slight_smile:

See this part is tricky. Not impossible to implement, but for people to understand.

To this day we still get people asking why the umpire gave the wrong call in the Cricket titles, which have the full appeal system to evaluate this if they think it was the wrong call, which can be on purpose. We can explain it as much as we want but people will still report ā€œbugsā€ or make complaints about these types of things because it ā€œruined my matchā€.

Now I certainly get where this is coming from, adds a little bit of suspension which I like as well. So it has to be weighed from both sides. Do intentional mistakes like this have that much of an impact on ā€œeveryoneā€ or just a subset of players? Will this cause more annoyance to the casual player base who may not understand what happened? Not everyone is as in tune with patch notes as you guys, and not everyone reads all the documentation. This is something we have to continually evaluate on many of the systems we put in our titles.

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Yea thatā€™s understandable.

How about the added statistics, injury implementations etc? I think they could be great for the game.

Yeah, some good ideas in there as well.

I have already sent it to the AFL team to re-evaluate what can be done with future updates!

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Is the censored issue gonna get fixed in the next patch

Any idea when the next update is coming and what are some things that will be included?

Injuries and more depth in management mode are a must. Thatā€™s what everyone wants to see. Just hope itā€™s done in this patch on Tuesday

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I think the marking is to easy

I think the difficulty of the game needs to be a lot harder cause on its hardest difficulty it offers no challenge so hope that can be changed

23rd April was my understanding :wink:

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Fingers crossed that this patch is a BIG one and loads of things added :slight_smile:

Ok thanks for that Chuckinho

The previous announcement said that April 23 will have ā€˜New draftees addedā€™ and ā€˜Further Gameplay Improvementsā€™ā€¦
From that Iā€™d say the focus for this would still be in-game features, and unlikely any Management Mode stuff.

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But Iā€™ve noticed there can also be stuff thats not on patch notes that have been done, so I look forward to whatā€™s unveiled :slight_smile:

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Adding back to the idea tho, would it be possible to make it as an optional inclusion to management mode? So that not all players will play with the setting, only if they intend to use it. Unless of course such a setting is not feasible at all.

Big ant can you make it so you can watch your team play in management mode because I canā€™t select a side when playing in management mode cpu vs cpu

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Are game speed settings or changes being looked at?
I canā€™t stress enough how dropping the speed of the game or at least having slow - normal - fast
Settings like soccer games have (or did have -rip PES) would change things for the better.
At the moment the game feels like itā€™s running at supersonic speed (off the ball ai player movement in particular)


Very interesting. I had a conversation with the AFL about this, just this week.

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I personally like the speed as it is in most circumstances.
Totally agree with the off-the-ball AI movement. Extreme sprinting all around the ground, so it looks hecticā€¦ but for sprinting with the ball, I reckon itā€™s on point.
Adding to the ā€˜game speedā€™ is the AIā€™s quick decision making with the ball. They ping it from player to player instantaneouslyā€¦ so maybe that part could be slowed down.

I would still love evades, fends, tackle breaks, and goal snaps to be sped up though.


Hanging out for three things in season mode to make this mode what I feel will be a complete experience.
1.Add injuries/suspensions, injuries both in AFL matches and reserve squad player injuries.
2. Save previous round lineups
3. Address the difficulty problems.

Also a seperate observation, snap shots at goal (L2+O) in general are too slow compared to normal on the run shots. This is annoying as one of the purposes of a snap is itā€™s meant to be faster to get ball on boot when in congestion. I want Charlie Cameron to be able to swoop through the crumbing contest, grab the pill, and get a quick snap away with relative success some of the time. At the moment these types of goals are too rare and attempts result in being tackled for holding the ball.

Address these things, and I will be one happy chappy.