AFL 23 - Megathread

Not only that but also being able to see there injury list and also what team they are most likely going to play so you can have some idea about match ups

Will marvel be fixed for realism like Cricket 24 in any of the upcoming patches or will it remain the same without the red seats spelling marvel, the interchange on the wrong side etc?

I know last year it was said there will be no suspensions and stuff, is that still the case?

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@JNT_BA have there been discussions around implementing a training mode so you can develop individual player attributes after each game?

Feels like such a glaring omission from what fans expect from modern sports games, especially given it was such a popular feature in the Evo games - along with better UI, better match stats (including fantasy points!!!), reserves results so you know who’s pushing for selection, game sliders, etc.

Having match/player/team stats that are presented more similarly to how they are on the AFL app, as well as a training mode & some data around who’s playing well in the reserves would add soooo much longevity to the game!

Also, is there a way to remove the L3 button push option to change the camera angle? It’s so freaking annoying when you don’t mean to press it lol

Would absolutely love to see some better replays as well - especially after a goal or a hanger! Everything is so zoomed in and completely different to the angles you’d usually see if you were watching the game.

Crowd noise building up during a good play, a long shot for goal, etc would add so much realism to the game also. A few new faces in the crowd wouldn’t go astray either lol

Fingers crossed these sorts of things are still being worked on, and the goal isn’t just to secure some more $$$ via Pro Team.


i just hope the simple things that we have asked for are added


will there be any patches after the 31st of july when the aflw gets updated in afl 23

Harley Reid’s stats gonna get a bump? :sunglasses:

Will all players ratings get updated on Tuesday to match this years?

I’m just hyped but I am also worried some of the important things won’t get added like being able to watch your team in management mode play without controlling them and also the censored issue

For me personally unless this is one massive update that fixes and adds a lot of stuff for me to continue playing since I have been waiting since release for this game to be up to full strength I will probably be selling the game and lose all hope in what pro-team has to offer if this update leading up to it isn’t great

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I still prefer the gameplay improvements over the Management Mode updates, but totally understand people asking for Management Mode things…

There’s features I’d like to see (like Online Seasons with mates), that would be great, but more likely to come in future games rather than in updates to this one.


hope this update can address everyone’s issues they have with the game

Would love that, but I think realistically there hasn’t been enough time since the last update for everything to be addressed.

We’ll see though, plus there’s also a few more planned updates from that original schedule, so there’s hope.

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I wouldn’t say a ‘few more’ from memory after this one is only ‘Pro Team’ in May, and than AFLW update :confused: but let’s hope

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Game should’ve been fixed from the start if not most of it

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I wouldn’t mind if @JNT_BA could release the patch notes today, as it would give us fans some insight of what to expect :slight_smile:


@JNT_BA does Steam get the patch tonight, and consoles tomorrow??

Or ALL platforms get it tomorrow?

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Ah, those old chestnuts. Does it depend on when the sunrise and sunset are and when high tide is? Do it depend on your timezone. i mean are we talking AEST or CET or Lower Zambezi Adjusted Winter Time?


I hope its like some 20gb update but that would be getting my hopes up

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I think the last one was 5gb

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I wouldn’t think it’d be 20gb (although would be a dream) …let’s just hope it’s a good patch! :slight_smile:

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