AFL 23 - Megathread

surley we get something today like a teaser towards tomorows update.

the game is really only fun online but was wanting to do a career mode but the game is way to easy so it wouldn’t be fun

I’m going to sell mine if this update doesn’t improve anything and is disappointing


dont think it is, i asked on twitter for news for update tomorow and they said there still scanning rookies.

What a joke if there is no update

Now now Snowflake. Let’s not do anything drastic…

I don’t think anyone is laughing champ…

when you spend full price on the game at launch a year ago and they still haven’t fixed it of course I am going to be annoyed by this

Sorry champ, I’ve spent plenty of money on far less useful stuff in the meantime…


i understand his frustration, spending 100 dollars on a game and taking nearly a year to fix it.

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Just coz they are still scanning players, doesn’t mean we won’t get a patch. Stay optimistic :+1:t3:

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True. But I did spend more than that in a supermarket today… Oh well…


Bright Side


You got a roof over your head daily?? Well you’re going better than others out there struggling. So what if we don’t get an update, as long as your happy with life, that’s what matters end of the day honestly.

P.S yes I do hope there is a patch, but just stay positive about others things going on in your life, and knowing your still on this earth, where others sadly ain’t. :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

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I’d love to see a sort of finals series online mode, pair up 8 teams to play based on previous performances. And play until you lose or take the trophy

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I assume nothing just yet… wish we knew a timeframe of some sort :face_holding_back_tears: (that would be nice) LOL

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Just heard a rumour : so read into it as much as you like BUT … It’s “scheduled” at 1:15pm AEST (on Steam anyway) - 2gb!

Is 2GB a decent patch atleast??

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Seems like the patch notes are out already… thoughts?

It’s an ok patch I wish they added training and tutorial modes witch is the last mode they need to add but at lease patch notes were added

Seems like the patch is ONLINE NOW! Just got it for PS5 - 1.7GB

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