AFL 23 - Megathread

Is there going to be stadiums other than the MCG added to online gameplay next update?

I really hope so.
It is definitely time for Cowell Oval to be included… If not, I’ll probably get all emotional and threaten to return the game or something…

Yep, you can change it, my comment was that it defaulted to strange options. I don’t think it did that before, it used to default to the home ground of your selected team (which makes sense), nor do I remember it defaulting to a clash jumper that’s a bigger clash than the standard home (or away) strips.

Nothing major, just my first impression of the latest patch was a bit of a “why did they even touch that code when it used to work fine”.

While you’re responding to my comments, how’s management mode and training mode coming along? Is the former done and dusted and the latter abandoned as not a “back of the box” promise, or should we still expect something there?

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Loving the new update thanks big ant again I would still love to see a day night cycle though playing twilight games feel unrealistic when it’s just twilight and add team lineups when you’re in a game would be good to add I reckon but other then that I’m enjoying the up


I don’t understand why they don’t answer the questions, that way, people stop asking.

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Not true. Experience shows that the more they interact with gamers, the more people ask :wink:

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Hey big ant can you fix the bug where ruckman keep winning the brownlow medal because it’s very unrealistic

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Not on this forum. They will stop asking the same question if JNT answers it.

I’m not saying all questions but the major ones that people keep asking.

For example we have been waiting so long for injuries in season mode and lots of people would like to know when this problem will be addressed.

Same with the promised tutorials and training mode, and the state of management mode.


the last modes to add are training and tutorials and pro team witch we are already getting
i hope when they release pro team they can also add training mode but also fix a few things aswell
please training and tutroal modes aswell please.

Sock Puppets.PNG

Love ya @JNT_BA :kissing_heart:

@JNT_BA the bulldogs coach is not beveridge its some random

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Is there any way to use a created players last name rather than a random one the commentators say?

I’ve been plying some games and with the sliders it is clearly the best afl game we have ever had. Just with the requests everyone is making with gameplay and management mode would take it to the next level. Hopefully in the next patch for pro team it is a huge patch and works on all those things.

Really hoping in the future we get a new player switching system:

  • Standard tap l1 (this remains the same)- This will select the defender nearest to the ball carrier. You will not be able to select specific players using this method of switching.
    Hopefully a new system will be the following:
  • Icon Switch: hold L1 (PlayStation) or LB (Xbox). After doing so, icons will appear above each of your players, these will correspond with the buttons on your controller. Press the button that corresponds with the player you wish to control. The right joystick can change which group of players are available to be selected.

After all these updates switching is in my opinion not great especially with a game with so many options of players to switch to and sometimes having the ability to just accurately and with ease switch to a specific person will make defending so much better.

Also hoping in future iterations of the game big ant allows the option to switch how kicks and handballs are performed. Especially if the player wants to target specific players

Hold r1 for handball and r2 for kick and similar to having icons assigned to players press the corresponding button to handball or kick to the player. Right now r1 plus the right joystick is just not a very accurate way to select a player to target and kick to.

At the time in the video of 3:47 it’s talking about some of the old madden games and one thing which could be a interesting addition in future iterations is custom formations - would be cool if something like this could be done for stoppages. Players have a set number of ‘plays’ they can choose from or even use custom built ones.

I’m personally not a fan of the ‘show icons and then choose’ method of selecting players… but appreciate that you mention leaving the default method in there.
There’s currently the L1 + Right Stick option too… but again, I’m not a huge fan of it… and would probably prefer the Right Stick on it’s own to change player (moving the current ‘bump’ control to L2+Right Stick).

I think there are different algorithms that can be used with change player, i.e ‘closest to the ball’, ‘contextual with priority to the defensive side’, ‘contextual with priority to the attacking side’ etc… All things the developers probably have to deal with in the game currently…
So my wish is to make those settings that users can choose… so we can find what works best individually.

With the game being fast paced and not too much time to make a decision and with so many options available, r1 plus right stick I feel just doesn’t keep pace with the way the game is at.

I feel the system works in games like madden (multiple option/s for players to pass To with the ability to quickly and ‘accurately’ choose who,) and I think even nba 2k has something similar which works.

So I guess the key point is to give the player a quick way to make a accurate choice as to who to pass to, which I feel is lacking and not keeping up with the pace of the game.

Didn’t they say last year that he didn’t do the face scan or something? Maybe that’s still the case

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Thats correct. As we were doing photogrammetry some coaches were not available during the sessions so we didn’t get a chance to capture them. Some we added post-launch others we never got at all.

Oh my stars yes please to all of this!

Genuine question @JNT_BA but is this the best place for feedback & requests like this?

Or are they more likely to get missed, and fans are better off sending these sorts of posts through to the dev team?

Feels like so many things, including what’s listed above, were rightly or wrongly expected to be included in the game upon release - let alone a year down the track.

If the above is being worked on, along with:

  • A general update on in-game player stats to better reflect what fans see in real games, including fantasy points
  • Better camera angles for set shot kicks & goal replays (they’re so zoomed in and low to the ground - sometimes the player you’re controlling is literally blocking your vision of the ball in air towards goals)
  • Quarter/half time highlights so you can see replays of big marks, good goals, big tackles, etc
  • Better AI player positioning during set shots, so at least there are always players near the goal line to react to a kick falling short
  • Team/player stats at reserve level to see who performed well and is pushing for selection
  • An option to remove the new L3 change camera angle effect (drives me nuts! So easily to accidentally press during a quick play and then shank the kick)
  • Ability to edit sliders mid-game
  • Some form of actual blocking/shepherding button that gives the game some physicality
  • Better football spin animation so it doesn’t look like players are floating through set shots even when they nail the shot
  • Updated team selection UI that better represents how most modern sports games look

… we will end up with the best freakin AFL game we’ve ever had!

Basically, bring in the things that people loved (and are currently missing) from the Evo games!

If these changes are being worked on, this game will have some serious long term playability given everything would feels more realistic, and any accomplishment would feel far more rewarding.