AFL 23 - Megathread

Nothing wrong with chucking it on here I’d say. JNT tends to convey all feedback over to the rest of the dev team. Just aren’t going to get any responses/confirmations on whether that stuff will be included as it’s not his job to make announcements (unless that’s changed recently). I’d suggest also log feature requests via their official support page so there’s something properly logged that they can respond to if need be etc.


@JNT_BA how come you don’t reply to anything about management mode or gameplay requests? The injury side of things is really the only thing stoping me from enjoying management mode. Every team should have around 5 injuries at a time. And we should be able to see every clubs injury list so we have a rough idea what team they are going to play

I say things when I can say things and don’t say things when I can’t. It’s as simple as that. I won’t make promises on things I can’t but when I can say things I will.

We released a roadmap and that’s what we are working on.


The problem is there’s been plenty of roadmaps and promises that have been made and then (seemingly?) abandoned. But without any real clarification. For example:

Training mode promised soon after launch (12 months ago!), and tumbleweeds since.

Are we getting this mode as promised or not?

Will management mode ever be fixed?

Whether it’s today, tomorrow or next month we don’t care, we just want to know what to expect from our purchase going forward. It’s really not asking for much. If you can’t say, where’s Ross the Boss?


Thanks for the honest reply

After testing over 20 odd games with new sliders trying to find my play style I’m definitely getting there.

The biggest issue I find now is the AI kick to handball ratio on average it’s about 70% kick 30% handball which I believe is what they have input into the programming.

I’m not asking for 50/50 but even 60/40 will feel the AI are trying to use the ball in alternative ways.

The switching side to side 3 times in the back half is a bit unrealistic at times and would love that to be either dumbed down a touch or even if the kick to handball ratio was made closer this could allow the AI to move the ball around a bit different that way.

Sliders have been a great addition and make the game suit your needs. Cheers @JNT_BA

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Some more things I’d like to see in the game:

For online play:

  1. Would like to see more game stats at the end of the game, ie player disposals is missing.
  2. Add an online finals series completion where 8 players who have selected different teams will play game after game until either loses until the GF

This Saturday marks 12 months since the release on PlayStation and PC. That should have been the Early Access release but at least Big Ant learned that lesson with Tiebreak.

Anyway, what are we still waiting for?

Training and tutorials
Pro Team and all the past players
Up to date AFLW squads
Up to date face scans
Up to date stats
There are animations and stuff from the launch trailer I have yet to see. Same with lines of commentary. And, of course, correct coloured streamers and stuff in the Grand Final. All this would help with the immersion.
Speaking of commentary, Hamish (Daisy Pearce still listed on Big Ant’s own website too although I understand she was cut. She’s now the West Coast AFLW coach so should still be in the game in some capacity at least)
AI that actually had input from AFL coaches
A playable management mode

Keen for all that. It’s still a frustratingly long list. The basics of the game are there now. I enjoy the game. I can kick, handpass, mark and spoil and things generally happen the way I expect. Most of the time when things go wrong it’s my fault rather than the game doing something totally unexpected like opposition players getting random speed boosts or 100m handballs the wrong direction. The base game just needs injuries and AI that plays like actual footy. Proper contested footy will have to wait for the next iteration. I understand that.

Cannot wait for everything we were promised for this iteration though.

One last point, I generally don’t mind the commentary, but whenever they say Goldstein’s name, it is strangely muffled. Anyone else noticed this? Have only noticed it with Goldstein.


Haha…yes! Goldstein!!! I noticed it too.

I’ve been hesitant to play with the sliders yet as the next update will likely change the game play again.

Same. I probably won’t bother until patching is done and dusted.

Same as Management Mode.

You can make different profiles so you may as well have a tinker.

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Can we please get a quick patch to add injuries and suspensions to gameplay then I’ll be happy to play manager mode. Thank you

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Are you assuming they would be quick things to implement? I’m guessing there would be a bit to them…

Just as the AFL claims to be stamping that stuff out, you look to bring it in… :wink:

Ok I understand if you don’t want to answer that @JNT_BA but are we able to know with the may update if it will include more gameplay tweaks and maybe stuff to management mode as well as pro team?

I do not have a current list of additions to the next major update. Is adding in injuries a focus, no. Is a management mode massive update a focus, no, not at this time.

Wow ok. That’s really disappointing


I don’t understand why not? Considering you can enable, reduce injuries in season settings, it surely has to be coming in? What’s the point of face scanning the rookies if you are never forced to play them? I wish all this focus on pro teams would come after the staples of the game was finished first. There have always been injuries in AFL games.

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Somethings just can’t be understood perhaps. I mean surely JNT_BA understands better than most what is being worked on. Maybe just swap the rookies in yourself for a bit of variety.
I would argue that injuries are as staple as some other things. Most issues on here seem to be around variations of issues with gameplay and animations.

Totally agree with you, gameplay should always be the priority. But when things such as quick interchange pads are being put in over staples of any good season mode such as injuries and saving previous round team lineups, it’s very frustrating. Also another example the interchange/reserves scrolling system on team selection is laborious and ridiculous, especially when trying to play a full competition season. Adds to the frustration of having to make the same changes each round for each team, increasing the time to do so.