AFL 23 - Megathread

Granted, there are things still to be fixed, or features (like Pro Team mode, or training in Management Mode ) that we hoped had different/more aspects included from the start…
But the game as it stands has lots of mini-battles, intuitive processes, and difficult struggles that you only really see if you understand the game and have an understanding of AFL games past, without throwing the controller down in anger (see my videos on options when tackled, or the sliders).

While you may write it off for the struggled release (which we’re all aware of), or if you want more for your $100… fine…
But I prefer to stay constructive rather than derogatory , and I’d also argue that the GAMEPLAY now has more than most previous titles have offered…

If you don’t see that, and have concerns that a new game mode with added longevity is being included… well ok, don’t play it… don’t spend your money on it.

But I’ll play it…and so will many others who have been looking forward to this mode being included.

You are assuming that proteam will be good/finished…

I play afl games as a fan of afl, not so much a fan of video games. I want a gaming experience that as much as possible mirrors the sport I love.


What date is pro team supposed to be dropping? I’ve been enjoying gameplay lately, easily the best it has been since launch. Let’s hope that when it drops the gameplay doesn’t take a massive hit. That will be disappointing for it to go backwards after finally coming so far forward. It’s still got a long way to go but man it’s come a long long way since launch day.

You would hope that it would be complete by this stage, it’s a year late :man_facepalming:t3:

Completed my first full competition season and can confirm the Hall of Fame is not even working.

Geelong won the premiership cup
Brandon Parfitt won the norm smith medal
Max Gawn won the Brownlow medal 26 votes
Jeremy Cameron won the Coleman medal 62 goals

Ruckman dominated the votes. 8 of top 10

No plaques on the walls with winners/medalist names
No medals or players present
Only thing that’s appeared is a blank premiership cup with no winner engraved.

I mean what’s the point of the Hall of Fame? Hopefully it’s fixed. It is a shame my first season won’t be in the games history now


Not sure if its been brought up, but i remember them advertising “Legends” before the game came out, ex AFL legends to be included in pro team. Is this still a thing?

@JNT_BA Has the shadow issue been looked into? When playing on end camera, in some games down one end, the player’s backs are extremely dark.

Yep experienced all that

Was also surprised the AA Team isn’t a thing in season mode.

Nothing I’ve seen any tickets or complaints about personally. I’ll have a chat with the QA and Support team to see if they have anything reported. Did you put a ticket in with the support team in the past?

Means little to nothing that its come a long way, as it should not of been launched in the state it was.

@JNT_BA It has happened since release, I haven’t put a ticket in because I didn’t have evidence of it considering I’m on PS5. Kind of just put up with it but thought I’d bring it up.

Also noticed a few games of frame drops down towards the goals on the end camera.

I have adjusted the game sliders through playing about 20 play now games over the last 3 days. Tweaked sliders between games. Got it how I want it so I start a new season mode… and the game sliders play different all together in season mode🤦

This game is a messy web, too tangled to untangle. Yet they want to throw Proteams on top. It might as well be Proteam exclusively.

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That’s just old players that are over their peak and their stats have dropped. Why they aren’t disappearing from the game at a certain age I don’t know - they should be removed at 40 or something. Some will disappear entirely and some are there forever. Basically don’t bother drafting anyone over 27 unless you want a fast drop off - I guess a player wouldn’t be in the draft in real life if they were the quality of an 80+ OVR player anyway. The 17-18 year olds will average anywhere from 40s to a few in the 70s if you’re lucky - most average in the 50s to mid 60s which is probably right before they start developing.

Hey @JNT_BA will gameplay updates be added to the proteam update? Will we see a trailer or anything before release?

Pro Team’s trailer was the launch trailer over 12 months ago wasn’t it?

If I remember correctly it was mentioned ages ago … that closer to ‘Proteam’ there would be another trailer for the hype of it … maybe something this weekend being Sir Doug Nicolls Round? (legends?)

There were a lot of things promised ages ago in roadmaps and so forth that have been swept under the rug and ignored whenever they’re brought up.

Was just some “Stability Improvements” based on some of the error reports that were being sent through via the console’s reporting methods.

One had to do with an issue in the Ruck some people were getting.


There were some other very small ones but that was a majority of the reports.

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I assume that patch out of no where, as it wasn’t on the ‘roadmap’ … Proteam still on schedule? @JNT_BA