AFL 23 - Megathread

will the censored issue be fixed in the next patch

Was the ruck patch released on Xbox? I havenā€™t seen any updates (will check again later today).

OK I think something came through. Turned on my Xbox and a Rainbow Six update started downloading, came back later and it seems an AFL 23 update had also downloaded, but I missed it starting.

Over time Iā€™ve seen a few people confused about the marking contests, so I put together a video explaining how I understand marking contests work in the game.
Happy to hear feedback and get peopleā€™s thoughts on it.

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When is ā€˜Proteamā€™ actually meant to be out? Itā€™s May sometime yeah? :slight_smile:

The roadmap says May 28.

That is pretty much all the info weā€™ve got right now but so far the 2024 roadmap has been going well.

No matter what it will be the most intriguing update that we will probably ever get for AFL 23.

Personally I am excited but not getting too ahead of myself considering that we have not received any info apart from a few card images 12 months ago.

Not long to go now, even if we donā€™t get any info or a look at the mode before release.

11 Days!

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You would think something such as ā€˜Proteamā€™ would have least a teaser/trailer or even some more/updated photos prior to release ??

I wouldā€™ve thought this weekend wouldā€™ve been a good idea being Indigenous Round (legends??) ā€¦

I guess we just gotta wait and see what happens in ā€˜11 daysā€™ :slight_smile:

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The new interchange on the dpad is a good start but I wonder if it could be a designated rotation already set up before the game starts? Pretty tough to efficiently switch the right player during the game.

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The commentators are a bit trigger happy when calling a kick rubbish and then itā€™s marked on the boundary. Itā€™s like the game assumes itā€™s going out of the full and doesnā€™t realise thereā€™s a player or a contest there. Especially affects the AI who love kicking the ball at right angles.

Generally speaking the gameplay is good. Tighten up on all the little things (when I have two players in space, and I think ā€œgreat, my team mate will keep running forward in support for the quick handpassā€ ā€¦ and then he decides to turn around and go the wrong way instead. My God), give us what we were promised, and we should be good to go.

If Management Mode isnā€™t fixed the gameā€™s longevity will be shot.

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Great videoā€¦thx. I must say that I dont think I have seen a marking circle or felt a vibrationā€¦is that in the settings?

I believe both of them are on by default, and vibration can be turned off in the settingsā€¦but I donā€™t think the shrinking circle can be.
If the vibration isnā€™t working for another reason, maybe check the controller or the system settings that could otherwise be interfering with it, because itā€™s the main assistance given for the marking contests.

So just over 7 days to go until ā€˜Proteamā€™ and no trailer over the weekend ā€¦ I have my fingers crossed something drops before it to get the hype going!! :slight_smile:

Either way I hope itā€™s going to be good!

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might wanna fix online connection issues before releasing pro team

@JNT_BA anything dropping before next week, news or a video or anything?

I havenā€™t noticed any connection issues when I play online. Could your issues maybe come from a poor connection (yours or your opponentā€™s), or maybe your opponent quit on you?

Did we ever get clarification (lol) that the legends will be part of this update?

Will be good to see the game out of its 12 month early access period I guess.


Hey everyone been a while since I posted, been holding off on starting a new game or management career until more updates come out. However, from what I read this last announced update for Tuesday is more about Pro-team than further improvements to management mode or gameplay?

Sorry if this has already been answered, but if I change team lineups and start a new management career, when the new update comes out does it automatically apply to my saved games or do I need to start over again so I can play with the updates?