AFL 23 - Megathread

Gameplay updates will push across to your save, as will player likeness updates etc. Only things that won’t are player overalls changes as they will be set from whatever they were when you started the management mode. Don’t think there’s going to be any massive changes to management mode going forward so it’s likely in end game so might as well start now.

The lack of news has me concerned, ive been patiently waiting since release for this mode.
As a massive fan of NBA MyTeam it would be good to finally have an AFL version of this mode, something ive dreamt about for years and years.
It would be good to get some confirmation that tonight is the last night i may have to dream about it.

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I see the date of 29th of May as an estimation date. It might come out tomorrow or maybe it will be pushed back further. I prefer for ProTeam to be launched perfectly and not in a buggy state. I have faith in the devs.

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They have been spot on with their road map dates so far.
Whilst i agree and would rather have a bug free release its been 12 months now. How much longer do they need? Something that was meant to be there around release and we havent seen a single thing of since.

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I believe it’s May 28th (tomorrow) and I hope it’s not delayed as I’m looking forward to it, just hope it comes out on time and all smooth sailing :slight_smile:

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So how will ProTeams work exactly? Is it PVP or is it also PVE? All I know is there will be the currency and that it will most likely be an online mode. I just find it a bit confusing as there’s not much info out but just theories and speculation. Hopefully BA might give us some info very soon before tomorrow.

Well according to SteamDM they had a solid break from adding changes to the code from Mid April to early May.

They have had about 45 changes during May so to me that reads it will all be good to go tomorrow. Time will tell.

Two changes made about an hour ago.


Keeping everything crossed we see some info tonight!


Let’s hope so mate!! Got my fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Thus far no details have been released about Pro Team except it will be similar to Ultimate Team. From memory, microtransactions will be present but aren’t required to be able to play or succeed . There’s a list of legends the AFL released over a year ago included; whether they are still involved I have no idea. I’d imagine the AFL might release a social media post explaining it just before it releases as a way to lure people in? Guess we’ll find out in the next 24 hours or so hopefully

How good is Big Ant’s communication?

So good.

As mentioned many times you will not get announcements here.


Where would they be?? :slight_smile: I’m sure you have mentioned it, but maybe have to remind some people :stuck_out_tongue: LOL

Oh weird maybe I’m coming down with a cold.

Announcements will always be through public channels first.

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check your myspace page

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You can play North Melbourne what are you complaining about.

Doesn’t everything from Twitter get re-posted here anyway?

If there’s nothing here I daresay there’ll be nothing there either.

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I have no issues with announcements being through public channels first, however i believe everyones concerns is the lack of announcements or thereof.

A couple of posts about a feature people have waited since release would be very welcomed.


Seems like there’s confusion about announcements (literally announcing something, like the arrival of each patch when it’s live), and pre-release announcements (i.e a trailer for a feature that isn’t available yet but coming soon).

No pre-release announcement up to now (which is fine, I’d want time put towards the game and not some gimmicky video)… so I’d say just wait til the release announcement… on Twitter, hopefully tomorrow.

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you say this yet there is nothing new