AFL 23 - Megathread

Agree that it’s likely the third party being the blocker.
I guess for the nature of this game mode, they’d have more hoops to jump through than a regular update.

@JoeyJoJo Maybe BA could’ve given more lead time to the platforms for approval… we don’t know the process from the outside… t’s probably an unforeseen delay… but it doesn’t sound like it’s 100% BA at fault… so just relax!


My issue is that every time there’s a delay or another piece of bad news Big Ant blames everyone but themselves, then they cut and run and their only Interaction on here or Twitter is to delete or block people wondering WTF is going on.

One day a tornado will take out their offices and it’ll be a case of the boy who cried wolf. Sure mate. A tornado. And Xbox copies are stuck on a boat in the Suez amirite?

I reckon there would a lot more goodwill if they were open and upfront. They would have known there was going to be a delay well before they announced it the night before the supposed release date. They’re following the exact same pattern as with all the other delays. Leave it to the last minute, push out a few words on Twitter, disappear.

How have they been communicating the Rugby delays?


Pro-team’s release date was set nearly 3 months ago. If a release date was set it means that behind the scenes planning etc was surely already in place.

Are we seriously suggesting Sony has for some reason delayed it over 3 months?


Anyone getting annoyed with the ai just kicking across the goal line for about 8 or so kicks after a behind?

Almost all games in management mode have been like this, no team has a unique tactic for a kick in. Would love some variety in ai tactics, even multiple within a team, to make it less predictable.


Or a thread where everyone shares their sliders for those who haven’t adjusted theirs and want a challenge :slight_smile: ??


sorry but is even happening can someone explain what has happened with pro team because i cant access twitter

No updates since this was posted 15 hours ago.

yes even better, I have made them as difficult as possible and still winning every game with ease

That would be amazing :blush:
Definitely need a management career thread :+1:



big news we will be getting a video soon


That’s fantastic news :clap:.
In about 3-4 weeks I have a feeling we will have ProTeams released, hopefully :crossed_fingers:.


when will the video be realsed

You can’t seriously be defending bigant here. They’ve had a year since they delayed it to get it ticked off. This should have been ticked off at the time they announced the release date of Proteam 3 months ago. It is not Sony’s fault, Bigant know what approvals are like, they’ve already delayed it by 12 months, plenty of time to get it fixed, they set the new date, it’s their responsibility to fulfil it. Poor planning, poor management of time and resources. 100% Big Ants fault again.


who knows, hopefully today

anyone know if the video is out

I’m sure it will be shared here when/if it drops :slight_smile:


Is an in-game save mechanic in the works, or on any to-do list? Third time this week I’ve had the game crash and bluescreen my computer as the final siren sounds. That’s three hours of time this week I’ve had to spend replaying games I’d already finished.

Infuriating, can’t seem to find any fixes or problems that would be causing it on my end. Really killing my passion to pick up the game because I spend the entire time wondering whether it’s just going to crash and force me to restart all over again.

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its so frustrating as big ant replied to someone asking when was the update submitted (witch was 2 weeks ago) and they dont reply to people asking when the video is going to be released

Bro I swear if I don’t get this update in a few days I will lose my mind

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