AFL 23 - Megathread

To fix the problem I always field 3 spare rucks and if one isn’t needed they are subbed in as a stop-gap full forward. I also field 2 spare midfielders and use them in a hybrid stop-gap role of midi-defender. This is how I get around the fatigue issue in management mode.

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or maybe they updated something in the game recently that triggered a new set of approvals as it would be different to what was previously approved.

Your assumption is based on them literally changing nothing in the game for 12 months with their already existing approvals in play.

I’d say it is more probable that they have been tweaking and adding things in the lead up that required a new set of approvals.


idk why but I am getting really impatient waiting for this sneak peak

I’m sure they are working on it, and it will drop this afternoon/evening hopefully :slight_smile:

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I assume the changes on the SteamDB are for testing possible future patches. If it’s for the ProTeam release, then the approvals would have to be resubmitted. Plus BA would tell hopefully tell us of any new changes possibly.

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hopefully a strong word when it comes to big ant

can the video just please release


im so sick of the generic background menu music. its so bad man :rofl: afl evo created some bangers. doint waste any time on this tho, pls release proteam.

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This may well be the case, but again, it doesn’t change the principle they’ve had 12 months. Bigant should know any last minute updates would trigger a new set of approvals and should have made these updates earlier to stick to the deadline. You would think after all this time they would learn, put Proteam in the roadmap as a general June release. Everything I said still applies.

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I think that is an odd way to view it personally.

If they have found a way to update or further improve the game / mode why wouldn’t they put it in? More importantly, why wouldn’t we the consumers want them to put it in?

If the delay is due to making the game better, how isn’t that a good thing?

Sometimes they are honestly dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t.

this is exactly why they didn’t want to do roadmaps to begin with, because it can be impacted by things out of their control, but they did to appease the masses who wanted one.


Bigant advertised the game to have proteam a year ago. They’ve had 12 months, if they are going to set a date, then there is no excuse.

if something arises where they can add to it to make it a better experience 2 months out, they are going to do that, I’m not sure why you would be against them making improvements.

In fact, doing your suggestion of sitting on the game for 12 months and not touching it just to hit a deadline instead of improving it would be far worse.

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I never said don’t touch it for 12 months… The fact is they keep setting deadlines and then blaming others when those deadlines aren’t met.

I absolutely agree. I’d prefer it to be as perfect as possible. But a lot of people would want it out even if it’s buggy. I’m the type of person who will willingly be happy to wait until it’s ready.

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So you’re happy to be taken for a ride again and again and again? Because that is what Bigant do. What I’m saying is they should stop setting dates and then blaming platform holders when they are not met. That is my point

watch this ‘sneak peak’ video also get delayed


but people were demanding they set dates and a road map, that was the overwhelming demand, despite some of the factors being out of their control when hitting certain dates. Unfortunately in the real world deadlines get shifted often for a variety of reasons.

if this delay wasn’t resulting in a in game improvement I’d get the anger and frustration, but if it is giving us a better in game experience I think that is worth the trade off.

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I’m sure people would be much more happy with setting a date or even just a month they know they can stick to, then to let them down again. This has been going on far too long. Bigant had announced to release 4 sport games in a 1 year period, we knew as outsiders that this couldn’t work and would not be possible. Do you think that they really thought it was a realistic thing to achieve, no of course not. They knew they couldn’t meet this target to release Cricket, AFL, Tennis and rugby in a year. Yet they announced it to the public anyway. Lies and that is the core of my frustration.

Back to proteam, they initially said it would be released in May last year. That got pushed back to the stage that there was complete silence on the mode for months and months. They finally release a timeframe this year. They set a date in fact, and don’t meet it. Despite saying it was going to release a year ago. And you now want give them the excuse now that they had stuff to add to make it better despite setting the release date 3 months ago?

Please, If you can’t see the frustrations and the problem with that, then sorry I can’t help you.

I can see and understand the frustrations, but don’t let logic behind why something may have happend blind you or create more anger, when they may be actually trying to improve your experience in the game.

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I don’t think the ProTeam sneak peek will drop in Australian time but I believe possibly maybe French time as BA are owned by French gaming giant Nacon. I could be possibly wrong but I think that’s how it works.

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