AFL 23 - Megathread

Okay then let’s let them off the hook for the next ten years let them continue these patterns, let them false advertise, let them make false announcements they know they can’t stick to, let them announce delays 9:00pm the night before, it’s fine if they keep underestimating the time it takes to do things, as long as they are trying to improve the game right? Yep logic is blinding me, yes it is.

This is so annoying how they said a video is gonna drop today and its currently 5:30 still no video

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they probs lied, hopefully tomorow

Ah yes, cause we all know the day ends at 7pm?


when is the video realseing

sorry just I am just a bit impatient

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It’s all good I get it.

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Some workplaces actually do finish quite late. So I definitely understand what @JNT_BA means :+1:

do you know that when the update comes out if it will include more than just pro team such as gameplay or other feature improvements?

Its late and I’m still working XD


It’s something I’ll answer as soon as I can. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in the studio today, when everyone was there, as I was needed elsewhere during the day.


alright that’s all good and no problem

This video has been delayed to when north play finals

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so what time is the video dropping then

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The video will definitely arrive way before North make finals. We will eventually get ProTeams, I understand the frustration as I’m frustrated myself but I have faith that the video will be arriving soon and I believe we will see the ProTeam mode either next week or the week after that.

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he goes sarcastically Ah yes, cause we all know the day ends at 7pm?, but yet still no video

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So 8pm is the end of the day? It will be out today. That’s it. Any more “omg where is it?!!!” will be deleted.


8pm. My modding shift has barely begun…


what the sigma ???

just a quick question is the video going to be posted here or YouTube