AFL 23 - Megathread

Just confirming; will we still have legends in ProTeam as promised on launch?

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Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll come in later, with special packs .

They only showed a Bronze pack in that video, a Bronze pack isnā€™t going to contain a legend card I dare say.

Similar to EA FC, if you open a plain gold pack youā€™re not getting an Icon player in it.

Keen to learn more about all the different modes and menu options within it, has a bit more to it than I was expecting.

Picking a club anchor at the start is a interesting concept too.


id love to know the pack weight. Like what are the chances of packing max gawn? it would be nice if playing against a player like that is very rare, meaning we have to play lesser players like meek and xerri in our teams

I agree, the one thing i hate about other games that have a pro team is the fact that everyone ends up with silly cards pretty quickly.

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I think everyone is thinking of this more like EA FC UT, instead, think of it more like NBA2k MyTeam considering the amount of players available. Similarly to 2K, looks like there are emerald and sapphire players, meaning weā€™re more likely to come across god squads very early if people are going to spend the money.

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NGL, Pro Team looks amazing! Hopefully with some effective marketing and more previews, it can gain some traction and hype from the footy community! Well done Big Ant.

I think the key is to explain the mode THOROUGHLY before releasing it. Inform the fans (which so far, is off to a great start), so they know what theyā€™re getting into.

My main curious questions that I still have about the game mode:

  • What are the different card types? (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Green, Blue, Diamond)? Would love a bit of a breakdown with that
  • Are all packs limited to picks, or are there packs where we obtain all items?
  • Team of the Week (OMG, so hyped. Hope we see some cool images)
  • Furthermore, promos. Awesome opportunities for this. Hope they make the most of it.
  • Love to learn more about the Season progression
  • Curious about the role players. Are they the actual player ratings? Seems as if the players are pretty high/rare, immediately after starting.


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I agree. BGS have the unique opportunity to grab the best parts of both EAFC and 2K MyTeam. In all honesty, with similar player numbers compared to the NBA in contrast to EAFC, probably better off adopting more of their features.

One of my favourite parts is the Card Collection system they have, which EAFC donā€™t. Like youā€™re collecting cards and putting them in your book/collection.

So in terms of some other additions that have ā€œnothingā€ to do with Pro Team since some of you asked. There have been some updates to some aspects of gameplay. A few have to do with how switching works at ball-ups, some kits were worked on to clean up some small things. Player visuals were updated as well as some updates to some Rookie playerā€™s stats as they are progressing. Other thingsā€¦ that I canā€™t talk about but will be in the patch notes. :sweat_smile:


If you canā€™t talk about them maybe you could leak the patch notes :joy:

Also one thing. With the guernseys for online quick match. You canā€™t see what guernsey your opponent has changed to so sometimes you can get a pretty severe jumper clash and itā€™s quite hard to play given you think its your player but itā€™s actually your opponentā€™s. Hopefully you guys can fix this especially if we lining up online in the new Pro Team!!

Hey There,
Is there any chance you can bring in coach contracts in management mode, so at the end of a season another club can offer you a contract?

do you have any idea of how long till they approve of the update

I wonder if the Heritage jumpers will be in ProTeam? :thinking: If so Iā€™m definitely gonna aim for the Wharf and Pylons

Has there been any attention to online connection? I will raise a ticket but just thought Iā€™d post here to see if anyone else is seeing potential issues.

16ms ping, peer to peer connection, and it almost feels like the game chooses who it wants to get the ball from the get go. Other instances Iā€™d be dominating the first 3 quarters and then the last quarter itā€™s a 6 goal to 0 final term against me. I know momentum has been programmed in, but this is more than that.

Loving the game btw so donā€™t think Iā€™m shooting the game down. I just have slight concerns if Pro Team has online play that it could be hampered by these online issues that not only me, but many others I know consistently encounter.

Note: The last mini patch seemed to change something online. Seemed better before that

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Iā€™m hoping that if there is card collection, that it leads to rewards.

At the same time, I donā€™t want an AFL version of either of these modes and hopefully itā€™s something fresh.

Do you know who is there only one platform that hasnā€™t approved yet. Or is there multiple

Because if they say things are going to be released and then they are not for whatever reason then people get all put out of shape. Oh, hold onā€¦

Any Updates on Goal Celebrations as shown in the original trailer for the game for example duursmas bow and arrow, Charlie Cameronā€™s Motorbike and the celebration Michael Walterā€™s was doing?

Uhhh yeah, the update is they are in the game and always have been for their respective players. They just donā€™t trigger every time, they have a chance to. I had the bow and arrow last week.