AFL 23 - Megathread

ive only ever had Charlie Cameron’s celebration once

That sounds about right, we want them to be special, we could up them to 100% but I like the surprise when I trigger them.


will there be rewards per level up? i see there is xp levels so will there be like a battle pass sorta thing?

Oh haha my bad they must be pretty rare and I don’t remember seeing them in any patch notes been looking out for them haven’t seen them good to hear their in the game but would like to have an option or slider to have the celebrations a bit more common cause I’ve tried to get them but no luck

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Completed the 2027 season in management mode with a huge win against Brisbane. Haven’t had much luck winning the GFs since the last patch went live. But I managed to show the AI who’s the boss.

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Probably a “next iteration” thing, but for user controlled teams it would be great to be able to choose from a variety of celebrations for each player and have them mapped to the D pad or something, like the old NHL games.

Will their be like SBCs in pro team like in fifa also a sort of transfer market?

I understand how difficult it is to keep up with all this hate from people but how many platforms need to approve

BA will tell us when everything is approved. Won’t surprise me if it goes unanswered when bombarded with lots of questions about the place holders or the release. BA are trying their best and I thank them for that.

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Have you been able to get ahold of the platform holders and see why it hasnt been approved as of yet?

will training mode be added

Now that there are Player portrait photos, it would be good if these photos were added to the team lineup selection screens in offline modes.


Pardon my ignorance on the matter, but this ‘Pro Team’ looks impressive, however I have no idea on what it actually is.

Does anyone have somewhere I can find out information on how this ‘pro team/ultimate team/etc’ thingy works?

Thanks in advance.

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It’s an online mode that has both an online mode and possibly also an offline mode (which still needs online connection). Apart from that there’s not much information. We have to wait I guess for when it comes out.

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@JNT_BA any updates on when patch is going to be approved

They said they aren’t sure, they’ll tell us when they know :sob:

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Unrelated to Pro Team is there any chance of creating your own leagues coming in an update would love to sort out all my custom teams


@JNT_BA Any chance of more videos on pro team content? Trying to be patient here as we inch towards an unknown target but after the first trailer im craving more :joy:

Anyone else getting this major glitch on the home page.

And do you know how to fix.

This is on our end and the team is already looking into it. Hopefully, this will be cleared up very soon.