AFL 23 - Megathread

why cant he just reply and let us know where its at. its much better than hearing nothing

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The issue is they dont know where its at. Its awaiting approvals from one(or more) platform holders.
Id imagine you cant just call them and ask for an eta either.
However they could be hyping it up a bit with more trailers :tipping_hand_man:

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I called them before and I asked if we are going to get some more news soon and stuff and how far off the mode is and it is Getting approved and they can’t say anything

I meant call the platform holders (sony/microsoft) id imagine due to the sheer volume of processing they do big ant cant just call them up and harras them. It would probably be approved by the time they got a response.

You shouldn’t call anyone. That won’t get the answer you think. The team who answers the phone here won’t answer those questions, most of the time they just come ask me what they can say if they’re not 100% sure. They’re also not support.

Calling any of our platform partners should never be done either you won’t get much from them and just wastes their time for users who actually need help from them with psn or xbl issues.

I know you want answers and I’m trying to find out what I can release, but it’s up to the marketing team to approve lots of these things which is why I’ll answer somethings and other things I won’t while I wait for them to let me answer some things.


Surely marketing wouldnt have an issue with releasing some more pro team content. Its been over a year and would be a great way to tie everyone over while we continue the wait.

Side question @JNT_BA if it does get approved at a wierd time e.g. midnight or something due to time differences is it going to go live then and there or would it have to wait for you guys to approve it once it gets cleared?

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Fair enough that is out of there control

Surely if you can choose when it releases after it’s approved surely it can be a friday


Why is that bloke calling :joy: who has time for that lol


How has it been a year of this thread and people still don’t realise that hassling JNT gets you nowhere :joy:

Just relax, Proteam is coming, whether it’s tomorrow or next week, you’re still not going to have packed emerald Daicos in 2 months time.


‘Proteam is coming’ you mean that phrase we have all heard since the game was announced?
Forgive me for losing faith

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My point is, it’s beyond the point of complaining. If you’re only now losing faith, you haven’t been around long enough…a lot of us lost it long ago

This is very true. ProTeam may come soon or it may not come soon it really depends if the platform holders are satisfied and happy with it. We can complain all we want but it will achieve nothing. Hopefully the platform holders get serious and green light the patch very soon. :+1::handshake:


So we just sit silent and deal with the constant let down?
Ive 100% supported every developer who gives an AFL game a crack. Ive owned a copy of every AFL game ever made and will also be spending some money in pro team as a way of support.
However Big Ant needs to be held accountable and be told that its not okay.


I completely agree with you, I’m the same, have been purchasing AFL titles for 20+ years and will continue to. I also agree they need to be held accountable, and have needed to be from the start.

All I’m saying is everyone is wasting their breath.


Answer of the day - Yes

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@JNT_BA hope your well has there been any updates or any news of when pro team drops

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Hey @JNT_BA if we were to spend money on packs and stuff will a portion of proceeds go to making future games better ?

It’s now been 3 weeks since they “submitted” for approval, either platform holders see big ant as a low priority as a smaller developer or they’ve majorly f’d something up


Could possibly be a backlog of approvals before the afl one. Sometimes platform holders do prioritize their own studios

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