AFL 23 - Megathread

Can we add coach contract offers to management mode, so we have to opportunity to change clubs during the same save??

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@JNT_BA im still having trouble with the kits and logos , they keep appearing and than instantly disappear when I try and view them

During what is probably one of the quietest seasons for gaming? I find that very hard to believe.

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online gameplay is so much more playable then quick match

I’ve been playing management mode non stop for 9 seasons, my favorite mode.

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Do you use certain sliders to make the game play more realistic or just the default difficultes?

I’ve played around with the medium difficulty and customization the sliders to make the wind higher, plus made it hard to kick the ball to other players so lots of handballing to prevent turnovers and spoilages. I’ve had a play around with the hard difficulties but just didn’t feel hard enough, hence why I added a good amount of wind and lowered the kicking success down a lot. Definitely feels very real.

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Send through your slider settings

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You able to share the sliders through mate, I’m sure myself and others may like a challenge :slight_smile: ?

Absolutely I’ll grab some screenshots :+1:

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does it count as a loss when your opponent quits the game, it seems my losses go up as well as my wins???

@JNT_BA can you confirm if its still pending approval and hasnt failed? Just seems like a crazy wait from platform holders given we are now 8 days overdue. Just seeing multiple updates to steamDB since then has me worried lol.


There was an update on twitter as a comment from the main account.

As for steamdb it’s not an exact thing. Why would updates have you worried? You don’t want us to do anything while we wait?


Thank you. I hadnt seen the reply on twitter.

Its not that updates themselves worry me, id much rather you guys do things. It just seems like the silence and then steam changes could have been a rejected build that then had to be change and resubmitted and steam was updated to bring everything in line.
Of course i am reading into it, however my brain likes to overaover analyse and read into things lol.


@JNT_BA It maybe has been addressed previously but lost in the banter, but can we confirm if the ProTeam update also contains updated face scans for the remaining rookies from the 2023 batch?

Also if there are any further updates to gameplay as I am itching to play management mode but not sure if I start a game then I will have to start over once the updates come through?

Updates to gameplay will carry over to management mode.
The only thing you would have to start over again would be for ratings updates.

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Thanks for letting me know.

I was thinking how much a pain it would be to get through half a season and then have to start over again!

Something is definitely wrong with the patch if it is taking this long for approval, I’m assuming BA have received issues they need to fix and are working on them now


My thoughts too. Like we know it’s possible for quick approvals, we had a period there where the PC and PlayStation Early Access players had daily patches.

If I was a platform holder I would 100% be examining every game or major update Big Ant submits with a fine tooth comb given their track record with appalling launches going back to at least AO Tennis.

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Might take longer possibly due to the update including micro transactions. Platform holders will definitely take their time and comb through the patch. Personally I think we will be closer to a July release (it makes some sense).