AFL 23 - Megathread

Congrats on the win!

Im not gonna lie i cried haha its about time but we put up a fight


Any updates on pro team release?

A great victory well deserved :clap:
Hopefully that’s the first of many :+1:

just had a rare moment where i kicked the ball and it hit the top of the behind post and was called a throw in just thought it should be fixed because usually it’s out on the full.

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Not sure how difficult it’d be to add into the game. But I would love to have the team lineups displayed at the start of the game (eg. When the camera is panning across the stadium). Previous afl games have had it. Thoughts @JNT_BA


Pretty happy atm


@JNT_BA any more updates on pro team? It’s been 2 weeks since its year late publication date

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So where are with at? Whats the latest? Still waiting…

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Lets be real it’s never coming, Bigant will be lucky if they can ever create a finished base game let alone extra game modes :joy: all they do is create these timelines or whatever they want to call them to give people hope they’ll finish anything then delay them for another year

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Maybe the patch wasn’t approved and they sent it back to BA? Who knows? :man_shrugging:. If I was the dev I would launch ProTeams and in a later update I’d implement the micro transactions. The only reason I would spend money on micro transactions would be for the sole purpose of getting Jai Culley in ProTeams.

Or just release the platforms that have been approved.
But this is just getting silly, some extra videos or something would be great but instead we all get to sit in the dark.

All we want is clear transparent communication. Surely that can’t be too much to ask for……


Legit same, I’d ask for simple answers on when we’re gonna get what was promised and undelivered. And suddenly banned. Hasn’t happened recently but BA still sucks with communication despite promising they’ll improve. I think the common issue with them is they can’t hold a promise tbh

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It’s all anyone has ever asked for from this mob.

Yet here we are.

HAHAH that was faster than I thought!

@JNT_BA no one is directly blaming you for this, just the company you work for and i apologise for any and all abuse you’ve ever coped. BUT! Before deleting and banning comments on this platform, please just talk to the community, understand why we’re all upset and come up with a solution. I get the game has delays that you can’t control that’s cool, but more comms about the game, ALL WE’VE ASKED FOR SINCE DAY 1!

More gameplay videos etc for pro team as well would be great to keep fans interested.


@JNT_BA will there be any update to Jai Culley’s hairstyle? (Loved his dreads but he don’t have them anymore). I also assume around August that there will also be a fix the the AFLW roster (as a lot of those players now play for other teams).

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I haven’t deleted or banned anyone’s comments so I’m not sure what you are referring. I do see a report. But that’s not me. If I wanted to remove something I just would.

Which by the looks of it I will be removing. Keep it about the actual game and there are no issues.


will u be able to use vfl jerseys in game on pro team

Anyone got any tips on how to mark better especially online? Felt like didn’t matter when I timed it was just wrong and got out marked :joy: