AFL 23 - Megathread

@SaintSkeeta has a video that I recommend checking out when it comes to marking. Of course with online it won’t be a 1 to 1 experience when it comes to latency and all those things but it is a great rundown of marking which he even reached out to us to make sure what he was saying was correct.

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Ooooh I’ll get that checked tomorrow when I’m back in studio. With the AFLW line up, I’ll find out. I know something was mentioned about that recently but I can’t recall exactly what it was, so I don’t want to say yes or no without confirming.

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Yea ok cool. Not tryna blame you or anything. Just speaking on behalf of everyone here, we want more communication, which we’ve asked from day one and yet Big Ant still struggles with that.


That’s awesome.:+1: I tend to spot the small stuff .

@JNT_BA your doing a great job man i get you cant tell people much and i know the same question everyday can get annoying especially with peoole not understanding you can only say so much bug props to you for coming on here n talking about the game no other companies will do that so honestly bug props to BA and jnt for doing a good job… i honestly dont think people understand the fact you have to do your job and dont actually have to come on here


@JNT_BA I know im not meant to rely on it, but steamDB has been awfully busy this morning. Good news incoming? Blink once for yes and twice for no :joy:


What is steamDB is you don’t mind me asking? I always hear you guys talk about it?

Its a database of everything on steam, shows stats and if there has been any code changes etc. If you google ‘SteamDB’ it pops up. However take it all with a grain of salt as JNT has said before


This has become a utter joke now, we’ve been anticipating this game mode for over a year, and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to be released anytime soon.

The most frustrating aspect is the lack of communication. It would be greatly appreciated if there could be updates on progress or information regarding which platforms have approved the update. How about creating more videos to keep us engaged while we wait for it to be approved? Maybe delve into detailed explanations of each game mode,Instead of just releasing a two-minute teaser at 11.30 at night. I seriously hope you’re not planning to charge anywhere close to the prices set by EA or 2K for packs as that would kill of the mode instantly. Instead, it would be much appreciated if you could offer everyone some free packs as an apology for the year long delay.Aswell how much longer are we expected to wait? You mentioned submitting it nearly a month ago, and surely the approval process shouldn’t take this long. If this mode isn’t released by the end of this week it 100% isn’t to do with approvals and you’ve straight up lied to our face.


Most likely it will be probably between $5 to $20 for the different tiers. I do expect that it may be higher than that.


Literally! Also heads up they might take down ur post

I love that you guys run with this narrative that we take everything down. I literally saw this as it was posted. Again, if you don’t break the rules it’s not going anywhere.

If it breaks the rules, yeah, it is going to be deleted.


I’m very surprised that BA didn’t decide to use the name All Australian instead of ProTeam for ProTeam.

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@JNT_BA can you add a way to make your own finals bracket in the custom season mode keep on simulating an 8 team league trying to get it how I want but to no luck it’s a little bit annoying I know yous are occupied with pro team (which I’m very eagerly waiting on) but if you can add this would be a life saver.

Oh what would I give for this kicking style to be included in the game:

@JNT_BA - Pretty PLEEEASE make this happen.

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or you just get some patience champ. It works wonders. You aren’t missing out on anything that anyone else isn’t patiently waiting for.

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Where am I arguing?
As I have stated many time you will not get announcements here.

You can ask a thousand times over. That will not be answered here by me.

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Break the rules. Now you’re gone.


Hey man, I mean no offence but it’s not that we’re asking for more communication in here. Matter of fact it’s too hard to use this platform for key info as it’ll get lost in hundreds of chat. But on twitter etc, we just want to know more about what’s happening with our game. I completely understand announcements won’t happen in here or at least will be last.


Mate i’ve had patience for a whole year waiting for this gamemode to release,people are fed up