AFL 23 - Megathread

@JNT_BA people dont listen even tho you have told them a thousand times lmao

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Its not so much that there not communicating its a matter of what they can and cant say like for instence say etc and hes said that before

Trust me I know. I have conversations nearly everyday about it. Unfortunately itā€™s not my call to make. All I can do in this situation is pass on the conversation which I do, but itā€™s up to others to decide.

I donā€™t mind taking the hate. But there is ways to do it appropriately and ways not to. That person going to personal attacks is how not to do things.


Yea look fair enough, I get having to take on the hate, I have to endure it a fair bit myself, and Iā€™m not tryna abuse u, just really wish we can get more info of literally anything related. Cos yea ya know


I love how he replies to hate, but not questions about the game. Come on man we are just passionate, transparency would be hugeeeeee


Again theres only so kuch he can say like bro hes obviously had enough of the hate hikself has he deals with it alot maybe if people showed more love and respect we might get somewhere just a hint


Did you read what he said?

Every time I think things have hit rock bottom here, They just seem to get worse and worseā€¦

This game probably should never have started development. Itā€™s been a mess since day one and continues to be a mess long after itā€™s come out.

If I was the AFL, Iā€™d probably be regretting giving the license to Big Antā€¦ Long delays of things promoted since before release and a lack of communication that makes the community pull their hair out with how hard it is just to get a clue one what is going onā€¦

Not a good look in the slightest.

Safe to say my confidence in Big Antā€™s ability to create a top-notch AFL game is gone at this point. An absolute shame as I was really hyped up for this game after what they did with AFL Live back on the PS3 and Xbox 360 but that Big Ant and the current Big Ant feel like two completely different companies IMO.


Ngl Iā€™m praying that with pro team, theyā€™ve changed the music across the game to proper music thatā€™s not on a constant loop. Current soundtrack is pathetic.

But also knowing that big ant doesnā€™t take feedback well. Itā€™s not happening.

Oh that I can answer and itā€™s no, we will not be updating the songs. Each game sure we do different music, with a patch no unless there turns out to be some issue with a song.

Thatā€™s a whole other process. Which would add even more time on to this.


@JNT_BA Has anyone there noticed an issue with positions recently? Iā€™ve got 2 KDEF in my team and one has been moved to HBF mid gameā€¦meaning it has put a midfielder at FB

@JNT_BA quick question which you may or may not be able to answer and I truly understand if you canā€™t. Could we maybe get another video of a breakdown of the different modes in Proteam that we seen in the last video? To build up the hype :slight_smile:

Can you tell us if thereā€™s any gameplay changes with the pro team patch?

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If there was any news or updates about ProTeam it will be on their X account and not here as @JNT_BA has stated many times.


The music doesnā€™t bother me that much.
Thereā€™s settings in the menus to enable/disable particular songs. You can disable them all, or turn the music volume down if theyā€™re getting on your nerves too much.
On PS5/PS4 (and maybe XBox?) you can have your own Spotify playing in the background too.


Looks like PAFC are bringing back the 1997 jumper design on this Friday. Iā€™m super hyped :grin::muscle:


Itā€™s either that or 20th year premiership guernsey because their FB reel has 2004 commentary! Either way being a port Adelaide fan hyped also :heart_eyes:


I super hyped too. I prefer our original power kits over the horrendous V designs. Who knows maybe the light bolt logo will make a permanent comeback.

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Where did you hear this?

I originally saw it on the Port Facebook page :slight_smile: