Any news ?for the game

Well anything could look like it could be real :sweat_smile:

But itā€™s not real. Tom just needs a new hobby until March.

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I have to admit though, he did a good job.
Everthing looked legitā€‹:sweat_smile::rofl:

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Looks real to me. @JNT_BA can you confirm? Your comment did not deny it.

The only inaccuracy is AUS being rated 80. The Wallabies should be 72 at bestā€¦ and I am Australian :sweat_smile:

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It was later confirmed elsewhere to Bears. Itā€™s not real.

Rick Ross released the below:

Edit: Dude looks like when you put too much muffin mix in the tin :rofl:

But I mean if we were going to look for holes in it. Why would Australia V England be the first teams to select from. If it followed alphabetical which many games do it would be more likely to be Algeria vs Zimbabwe or something? Or Argentina v Wales if only big nations etc.

There was no cover screen where you hit X to actually enter into the menu section like many BigAnt games.

The menus were a little more basic (though in the same ish design) than BigAnts stuff.

There were no player models seen which in almost all of BigAnts games they have either on the cover or in team selection.

I mean if it was real, then it would have had to of been an early early on version before they were sure of full licensing or something.

Edit: To me it just looks like theyā€™ve ripped a bunch of elements from Cricket24 and mashed it as a Rugby24 thinking that because it is similar it will seem legit.

(Really hope it really isnā€™t real and that I am not insulting people here ha ha.)

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72 with Eddie Joneā€™s 80 with decent players and a decent coachšŸ˜‰

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Even if itā€™s fake, the false hope we got there is better than the lack of hope BA are providing at the minute.

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Hope for what? They said they hope to have enough stuff by March. They didnā€™t actually say they will. So there is no deadline they need to hit.

They have confirmed the game is coming out. What other hope do you need?

Fake news is annoying. 100% of it, zero part of it is fun.

Just because there is no news, that doesnā€™t mean the game is bad. Thatā€™s what people seem to assume.

I assume the opposite. Their other titles give them the benefit of the doubt imo.

BigAnt is good, Rugby is good ā€¦

So Good + Good should equal =?

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Have a cry mateā€¦ cheer up champ.


Aw thanks, you are so sweet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hey Big Ant, will you be capturing all the super rugby players faces this weekend since theyā€™re all going to be in Melbourne?

exactly what im sayin. these guys just need to give it a rest and wait for some real news or til the game comes out. hyping up fake news is just pointless and a waste of time


Iā€™m guessing all this fake rubbish is about massaging their egos or somethingā€¦

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@JNT_BA Worth watching the Nacon Connect later today you reckon?

Just generally speaking of course, not um ā€¦ not meaning for anything particular ā€¦ of course

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Will I be up at 5 am? Sure will be!


Oof! Early start. Take the arvo off!

Time off? What!? You guys keep me busy!


Didnā€™t think we cussed that much :face_with_peeking_eye:


Weā€™ll do better (Or try)

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Damn, you guys are quick. Already on that Discord of yours telling everyone Iā€™ll be up at 5 am. What if I get up every day at 5? :joy:

Or maybe going to bed at 5, whatever works.

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