Any news ?for the game

Because releasing it in whatever state it is in just so people can play it sooner is not the point.

As their release said, they hope to have enough content for early access in March. That also means they may not. We wont know until they say something.

So I guess we get ready for another round of annoying fake news in between ha ha.

Quite funny how i spelled reiteller 3 different ways and still donā€™t know which one is correct

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Not everyoneā€™s enthusiasm is dictated by whether they hit certain dates. Those are just minor details.

The end result is what there is to be enthusiastic about, for me at least.

March, May, August ā€¦ whatever it is as long as it is good.

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Ha ha ha, I am not sure whether it is more fun to tell you ā€¦ or just to wait and see how many other spelling possibilities there are in there for you :joy:

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Am I reading into it too much or is this likely confirmation of Super Rugby in Rugby24?

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Not sure, I mean they were at NRL on that day too. We can hope though :crossed_fingers:t2:

Iā€™d much prefer the NPC and Shute Shield to Super Rugby personally. But I would take any Oceanic licenses as a win to be fair ha ha

By my understanding when he post something about sport, especialy if there is a game not yet released, that might mean something.
As always i will not bet on that.

Whereas when I got to the rugby, it simply means the Tahs lost.



That kick :skull:

Coulda shoulda woulda

The writing was on the wall. He didnā€™t have a great game with the boot.
A long advantage was played, they should have done more with it.
Besides, it was nice to see Southland get the chocolates.

I dont understand why the communication is so bad, even after the teaser at nacon connect, the social pages for rugby 24 still havent been updated with the trailer. At least try to generate some hype

Itā€™s been 1 year since the very first announcement of this game and all we know is that the premiership has been added and maybe 10 more international teams that no one is going to play with.
Wish they would drop more information on the game, gameplay features, game modes, official licenses, some screen shots or gameplay videos

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Quality grand final cutscene.

I will literally play the game with every single team they put in there and appreciate it.

Thereā€™s still two thirds of March to go. Iā€™m sure will hear something at some point in this month.

Even if thatā€™s just then saying there still isnā€™t enough content yet for early access.

Not long to go!

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Anyone else get the feeling weā€™ll not hear anything until after the 18th when AFL 23 is updated!

Anouncement that theyve got enough content right at thend of march, early access to release at some point in april/ may is my prediction

I mean thatā€™s only 5 days away?

Wouldnā€™t that be a good thing?

Didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t, just keen for news, but it appears Big Ant canā€™t communicate about more than 1 game at a time

But they communicate about AFL 23, TieBreak and Cricket 24.

1 + 1 + 1 = ā€¦ 1?

No point expecting anything in March when they have said it is when early access may be. That is what they are looking at showing next.

Edit: Look at me go, acting like I know anything at all :joy:

Could be with Top Spin having being announced and released before Big Antā€™s game could mean that focus will be on Rugby 24.