Any news ?for the game

So … if the grip sock is the same colour as the main sock … do you actually even see the sock really?

Are these REALLY going to be in the game? At this point I feel like they should be an Easter Egg or an Unlockable :sweat_smile:

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I feel like there is scope for gripsocks to be a paid add-on or in-game purchase perhaps :wink:


That’s actually genius, if you want the grip sock … pay for the grip sock :sweat_smile:

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I think it might need to be captured in the stats in-game too. I mean pack weight is important, but how many of them are wearing grip socks might also be useful to know.
Maybe a slider for grip socks!


You could also expand that into a teams defensive line speed as well. Because physical conditioning is important, but how may of them are wearing grip socks?

I second the slider motion!

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@RossSymons Hey man, is there a possibility of an early release of say an academy creation suite like back in the old days of BigAnt cricket titles?


Since every player wears grip socks. Couldn’t you just customise the teams socks to make it appear as though everyone is wearing the same grip socks?

I dare say if everyone is wearing Gripsocks, there are probably various types and we must get the customisation level spot on.

Some players do wear ones the same color as the team sock, but most grip socks are white and you see them

Nah probably about 40% of players wear them. Mostly backs, but some forwards too.

That would be great, just to get used to the tools

That puts me at ease knowing you played and loved the sport! You get it we need a great game for this great sport best of luck Ross!

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Hype train starts chugging again

Well it’s nice to see some

After a long while :slightly_smiling_face:

Tbf people will always be positive when there’s communication, radio silence will always bring negativity


Not true in my opinion. Plenty of people are negative 24/7 communication or not.

Plenty of people are also positive 24/7 communication or not.

But I understand the message you are trying to send there.


I feel like communication helps humanise the devs. Instead of a faceless studio taking their fans for a ride, we see a passionate dev team trying their best to give us a great game.

I was feeling pretty negative till Ross chimed in here. Now I’m feeling less negative. Hopefully they keep communicating!


I don’t know how anyone could ever think the Dev’s were not working hard?

Like what else are they going to do?

I am sure they are (As I believe Dev’s are also humans) allowed to live their lives a bit too.

I feel like the only thing communication does is alleviate super fans over eagerness to have a game as soon as it is announced.

Frustrating for some totally (I am one of those Super fans ha ha) but really communication isn’t going to be what decides whether a person will be negative or positive.

I feel like that lies squarely on each persons shoulders as to which choice they make. But that is just my opinion.


Interesting point of view. I don’t link the devs to communication at all as it isn’t their job (Just guessing).

But if I never heard anything about a game and it came out and I enjoyed it, I certainly wouldn’t think they were people that had just taken me for a ride.

I would think, this team makes great games.

I do see your viewpoint. I am as excited as you are about this game for sure!

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I absolutely agree that devs shouldn’t be the one to communicate the state of the game. I’m a dev myself, I know what it’s like to be under the pump trying to finish a project, and I do not envy the Big Ant team right now!

However, I feel I’ve been missunderstood. My point was that communication helps alleviate the soreness caused by delays and subsequent disappointment. When developers don’t communicate, the fan base festers. I’ve seen this happen in a handful of other communities, and it’s a great way to foster a negative attitude towards your studio and dev team, when they’re working as hard as they can to give us the best game possible. Otherwise people get lost in the fog of endless delays and can’t see the forest for the trees.

If you know what I mean :sweat_smile: