Any news ?for the game

Oh, sorry I did misunderstand.

Yes, I agree with you in that way.

I don’t have enough of an understanding as to who is allowed to say what and when to comment on that because I have seen things saying they can say this but not that etc etc.

But we are getting it now though. So that is good :blush:

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I get the feeling that sometimes communication is never enough.
The superfans can be quite demanding and if you drip feed them things, they grow more impatient and demanding.


Also a true statement.

Moral of the story - You can never make everybody happy so just do your best :blush:

Has anyone seen the early access gameplay of Tiebreak? The player movements and animations do not look great.

I know it’s early access and I am not sure how finished the game actually is, but does this make anyone that’s seen it nervous for Rugby 24 movements and animations?

I am not sure anyone is expecting the perfect game come early access?

Are you really? I mean I’m not, I am expecting a decent foundation of a game. But I do expect there will be a period of feedback, patches, added features or improvements.

Maybe if you manage your expectation in advance you can avoid disappointment and enjoy early access for what it is?

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Do you think the price should also reflect this, as in fans should be charged the price of a triple A game and would you be willing to pay that price for a game that potentially won’t be up to that triple a standard. Not a dig just curious by your response as I admire your optimism on this forum.

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So we are assuming a triple A price for this theoretical scenario? and we are also assuming the title will not in fact be a triple A title?

Are we talking triple A generally? Or triple A rugby title?

If it answers your question I own Rugby Champions, Rugby 22 and Rugby Challenge 4. So I guess that would imply I am willing to pay whatever price for sub par games yes :sweat_smile:

It also means if you have any of those … you are too.

If I didn’t understand you right please explain lol

Edit: For further context I have always said I genuinely believe Big Ant and Nacon are going to produce the best rugby game ever to this point. So in this specific instance yes, I am willing to pay whatever price before seeing the end result because I think this title has far more chance than any other of being decent. Although I would be surprised if early access is full price? Unless it is running smooth and it is just content to add.

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Yes. And that’s why I said “I am not sure how finished it is”.

I certainly do not expect perfect games early access, but would have thought core mechanics like player movements should look/feel good at early access.

Seems like a tough mechanic to completely overhaul, but not sure.

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I agree. It depends on the type of game. For a half decent rugby game, the answer is yes cause we don’t have one.

I have rugby 06, RC3, RC4, and Rugby 22. Even if it is not triple A worthy, I will pay whatever the price is going to be because I’m 100% sure it will be the best rugby game that’s ever come out, given its competition.

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If you compare it to rugby league 4 does it look better Atleast? If the answer is no… then I think it is a problem. If it’s better… then all good.

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From what I saw from the game play. A lot worse than RLL4…

That being said, it is a different sport and the players don’t move the same. Tennis have to make them move horizontal vs mostly up and down in rugby…might be harder to have a player lock onto the tennis ball too.

From what I saw, the tennis players move very robotically and the players are running all over the court just to get to a hit a simple return right in front of them. Also often run past the ball and don’t hit it.

Look up some gameplay and let me know your thoughts

I’m not sure tiebreak is a good comparison for player movement. I’d compare their AFL23 game for that. I have no idea about that game but the sport in general is closer to rugby than tennis is.

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I think it is a horrible comparison lol. They made RLL4, the guys move fine in that imo. Not one of my concerns.

My concerns will be their approach to the set piece and breakdowns.

Yeah y’all are 100% correct when I thought about it more. After watching AFL23 gameplay, the movement looks good. Maybe tennis just isn’t their thing.

I agree completely. The breakdown is very important. I want it to look like a real ruck, but not some weird gimmick where it takes 5 seconds every time for the ball to pop out.

Set pieces are very important too, as well as scrum gameplay.

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Found the animations and player movement pretty pants in rll4 tbh. Id expect the gameplay to be excellent given the repeated assertion tha player scans have been the main hold upfor release. I expect glitches as its a ba game, however if the mechanics and ir ai are lacking ill be seriously concerned

I have massive expectations and no patience…

This should go well…

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‘Floaty’ passes were silly and the sidesteps were weirdly animated in rll4. I liked the idea of being able to use double tap to throw a flat pass that players can run onto though. From watching @MaD_Dragon_Rugby play rwc 2011 one thing i miss from rugby games these days is a designated pass to forwards or pass to a back buttons. That worked really well in those games as you could hit a pod of forwards or go out the back from a ruck. Im hoping its evolved more than that but it was a tidy feature.

Im also wondering how structured the game play will be given the difference in NH and SH rugby. For example the last union SH developed game every single team offloaded all the time, very rarely kicked for territory or kicked out of their 22, its just something that doesnt happen in real life. The ai mechanics of rwc 2011 were more realistic than even rugby 22 and rc4 imo. And dont get me started on scrum halfs going one way then passing the ball back over the ruck in rc4, so stupid :joy:

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I like the animations in Rugy league live 4 (Apart from there seems to be a few frames missing in some tackle ones) I think the steps in 4 are better than what is in 3.

Spoiler alert: This is 99% NOT going to be many peoples perfect game. Because what is perfect is subjective. You would be better off managing your expectations around that.

Also keeping in mind there is Early access so that is the time people can constructively criticise the game and provide feedback that is useful … like after they have actually seen anything of it :joy: or perhaps even … played it?

Interesting point @AzaMatt345 you make about NH and SH rugby. Imagine a game SO DEEP that it picked out intricacies like that. For clearing from 22’s though … SH teams do run and offload from inside their 22 plenty, even often I would say. Not everyone automatically pumps the ball out for a lineout.

Maybe sliders could fix that for everybody? Like a Possession or territory priority slider? Like if you want territory as your priority your side will kick far more often for it, whereas Possession will do much more to hold onto the ball? Could be expanded on to be a quick team tactic option if you were spectating and doing tactics like AFL. If your side is leading by 9 you want them to kick possibly to keep the other side out of your redzone. If time is up on the clock and you are behind by 2 and 40metres out though you want your team to keep it tight and grind out those phases looking for a penalty or drop goal range … maybe even a score.

Yeah ive got a feeling r24 will have gameplay sliders as from what ive seen in afl23 they are included there. Just hope they make more of a difference than it did in rc4 :joy:.

I get what youre saying about sh sides often running it from 22 but in rc4 it was every team, didnt make a diference what teams were playing so maybe different ai behavour based on how the teams play would be the answer (albeit not for this iteration of rugby game, maybe in the future)


Well yeah I cannot deny you are spot on with both the ineffectiveness of the RC4 sliders and the overkill it did have.

I just hope the opposite doesn’t happen and that all they do is kick if they are the AB’s for example. To me that would be zero believable.

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