Any news ?for the game

Yes and we don’t know if they really know rugby lol

Nobody speak about stadium noise ? What do you think about stadium ambiance in afl or other BA games ?


That isn’t reading between the lines though. That is straight up reading out of context.

Not at all. Since no sports game portrays the intensity of the real thing, it’s hard to understand exactly what they mean by “intensity”.

Is it just that the crowd and stadium atmosphere doesn’t seem into it, or is it based on gameplay? You know, rucks not having that grueling fight for the turnover, tackle animations being poor with soft hits, not being able to make really cool set pieces to score an amazing try like in real rugby, no cut scenes with players yelling at other players.

Everything mentioned here are related to the intensity of a real rugby match, but which one is Nacon referring too when they say “doesn’t have the intensity”.

That’s why what I said was not out of context since Nacon didn’t elaborate what they meant.

If you’re so sure it doesn’t have to do with gameplay, then you tell me what they meant with their comment?


I think they meant they couldn’t feel the intensity of a rugby match.

Which is hard to do when you are just standing at a kiosk looking at a screen with a little rolling gameplay on there.

Possibly you are over thinking this?

Tennis is poor, they peaked with sound design in Ashes Cricket (2017) and Cricket 19 (2019) and regressed in the two releases since. But tbf they’ve regressed in every angle in that five year period.

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And it not being intense could be part of the gameplay too though.

You are looking at it with a very closed mind instead of actually evaluating what intensity means in rugby and you aren’t looking at it from their perspective as the viewing. When it is a fact that it not being intense could very well be due to the gameplay not looking like a real rugby match.

Intensity can mean a lot of different things.


They didn’t play it. So no it cannot be the gameplay.

I am looking at it as it is stated. I don’t see how you think your perspective is any more valid than mine just because you ask a million questions about nothing actually mentioned? It is possible for it just to be as stated, the overall atmosphere of what they watched didn’t contribute to intensity.

I am quite aware intensity can mean different things, depending on the context. This context was just intensity of a rugby match while viewing (Not playing) a little Rugby 24.

Edit: I understand what you mean though, you are worried they mean the game is bad, not just what they actually said but more what else could have been meant. But I mean you could wonder that stuff about any statement all day and get no answer.

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Yes exactly.

Which is why in my original comment I wrote, “I could be wrong and I hope I am”.

It’s very fair to analyze the deeper meaning of things that aren’t explicitly said at face value, which is what I’m doing here. Especially reasonable to be pessimistic on the gameplay given that we haven’t seen any yet and with all the delays.

I watch a lot of gameplay videos on sports games and can still see if the gameplay is good or bad and if it even looks like the sport it’s trying to represent, so you can definitely analyze gameplay without playing the game.

And to reiterate, I do hope it is what you’re saying that they just didn’t feel it cause they didn’t play, but it could also mean what I’m talking about.

The concern is they didn’t specify and it was vague so we can’t be 100% sure what they mean by it.

That’s all I’m saying

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I agree we can’t be sure 100% and there is always reason for concern, but no more reason than to have optimism either. I have not seen anyone anywhere on the internet comment on how they said the face scans and player models were excellent. Positives are often left out.

I do not agree you can tell gameplay without playing. As an example two of Big Ants own games look very similar when watched being Rugby League Live 3 and 4. But the two games are miles apart in gameplay when you are controlling them.

I have zero doubts there will be a number of things that need improvement in this game. From some things that are plain broken all the way up to some things that just need tweaking a bit to feel legit.

I think if we go into this game expecting it to be perfect from outset, we will be heavily disappointed.

Would be nice if they just released the same clip they used at that event so we could set expectations lol, was obviously deemed ok to share. So why not?

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Yes I agree with you. I know it will still be the best rugby game ever as there is not much competition and am still excited for it.

As long as it’s better than RC4, I’m good. (Didn’t include R’22 cause I think that game is absolute garbage lol).

I didn’t mean you cab feel the gameplay by watching, but more can see if gameplay animations look like real rugby.

I know the graphics will be amazing.

I am just trying to analyze every detail I can to get some sort of information.

But we won’t truly know until they show us some gameplay.




It’s ok mate, chin up.

Coping isn’t for everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

First ever screenshot of rugby 24 if anyone is as desperate as me :rofl:


Everyone is in such deep thought it seems… :thinking:


Why do they look so concerned?

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Please tell me there’s a option to lower the rugby socks ?

I think the game looks great. To have a shot clock. Wow. All we need now is volume and movement. Hehe

I know the photo is low res but it doesnt look great either way😂


Iam a bit concerned. Screenhot does not look great


I am super concerned about budget phone pics of a shody tv from a random angle where I can’t actually see the whole screen that may or may not be anything like the game that is actually released … Come on guys.

Don’t start this whole depression train again ha ha. Wait until you actually see something released.

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