Any news ?for the game

I know the photo is low res but it doesnt look great either way😂


Iam a bit concerned. Screenhot does not look great


I am super concerned about budget phone pics of a shody tv from a random angle where I can’t actually see the whole screen that may or may not be anything like the game that is actually released … Come on guys.

Don’t start this whole depression train again ha ha. Wait until you actually see something released.

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Not trying to start any depression train mate :rofl:, just sharing what’s available on the internet as Nacon don’t fancy it,

screenshot is from the Big Ben week 2024 video


One thing I really hope is in the game is being able to play players slightly out of position without crazy stat penalties, like after an injury being able to put a winger to fullback or a second row to the flank without halfing their speed and them dropping it every time they touch it

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no, but grip socks will be in abundance.

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Credit: Valhalla


Untitled video

Ross does not approve of your GIF

(No offence intended feel free to delete)

Althoughhhhhh… A nice set of BigAnt emoji’s would be great.

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Nah then im not playing this game . If this is the most “ complete “ rugby game they should get those details right . There has to be a option for us to lower socks


the option is that you wear garters or look like a slob. We are gentlemen after all…

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Bro do you even watch rugby ? Its not about looking like a slob . In the modern game players wear their socks just above the ankle so I don’t see why that can’t be included in Rugby 24 . I mean Rugby 08 had it , why can’t this game


I believe he was being facetious …

However … I have never seen a more far reaching generalising statement imply the wrong thing so I have corrected your grammatical error below. You are welcome.

In the modern game SOME players wear their socks just above the ankle whereas SOME where them as intended.

Edit: The real question is … do you think socks should be licensed?

Okay “ Mr know it all “

Yes the socks should be licensed ! I mean they said this is the “ most complete rugby game “ and with this small details it makes the game more enjoyable . Imagine playing with Mark Telea with socks touching his knees


Oh my god, now you say that! I take it all back.

Just imagine playing as Mark Talea with his socks pulled up! Ridiculous.

I mean, is it even the same guy then am I right?

I think the sock height needs it’s own slider now you have said this. Because sometimes Marks socks were at the ankle, sometimes he wore half height. So if you had a slider that visually slid the sock up and down the leg you could stop it at EXACTLY the right height.

Thereby … ensuring the “Most complete Rugby game” of all.

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This is exactly what I mean . Like in Rugby challenge 4 and rugby 08 you could select the socks height .

They will have to drop the GripSocks idea to achieve this though. Valid sacrifice imo.

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His socks are clearly higher than his knees in this photo…


New fear unlocked.

Full body socks.


Can’t wait to be in September for the RWC23 :wink:
My gripsocks are ready

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