Any news ?for the game

ima guess we will get some news in september


Nah clearly you don’t get it . Its way more than 5% of players that play with their socks by the ankles . You need to watch more rugby

You need to learn to read good bruh.

I said 5% wear their socks down with their collars popped as well.

You need to watch more educational videos.

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To be honest the delays are annoying but can be lived with if we even had a glimpse of the gameand I understand the point of unions being difficult to work with. But it baffles me that they are not able to share a video or even a single screen shot of the game, even after they put in the communications that they will release in the coming weeks :joy:. They’re starting to tread a fine line between excuses and just straight lying to our faces however I don’t blame the developers but rather also just hit me that the game can’t be called rugby 24 either by the time it releases because it will definitely be time for the 24/25 season :rofl::rofl:


@Hugan099 when the game turns out to be incredible but sock height isnt customisable enough
Thats a no


Definitely a no from me :sweat_smile:

Hi @RossSymons @JNT_BA

Does “Imminent” mean next week or the week after ?

Cuz the “soon” and “very soon” from previous communications were like 3-4 months



Is this post deny or despite? How can it be possible that no one in BA as read one of the 8219 posts, since more than a year, that suggest, show, shout, cry that WE DON’T CARE ABOUT PHOTOGRAMMETRY! WE ALL WANT A FAIR INFORMATION ON GAMEPLAY.
Stop this mascarade.


Good or bad, looking forward to some information! Information imminent is GOOD NEWS! (Caps intended)

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I wonder if now big ant can share EA release date maybe? We will see…

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imminent means a year in ross world

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Needs to have up, down and inside out option

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Did we ever get any confirmation that they captured the rebels? As a big rebels fan would be a shame if they weren’t included

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No I don’t think so.

I wouldn’t mind if they weren’t in it to be honest. Wouldn’t want a licensed game with a folded team in it from brand new lol.

Who knows what licensing means in regards to which teams are in what though tbf.

One thing you can be sure of is that the Rebels would be easy to make, so with creation you will definitely be able to get them in your game one way or the other :blush:

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Anyone know if Super Rugby will be in the game ? or the NZ NPC comp

Super Rugby is confirmed. NPC I dunno

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Estonia confirmed :estonia:
Does that interest you?

@Valhalla_Vagabond is happy with that

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100% Will be my most played team along with the All Blacks.

Estonia challenging the Baltic cup, Estonia going on tour, the possibilities are endless ha!

I am sure many people will be thrilled to be playing with their own tier 2 and 3 sides as well :blush:

BRING IT ON :muscle:t2:

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