Any news ?for the game

Hi guys,

What is the definition of “imminent” ?
I thought it means something about to happen very very soon, around the corner etc…

But maybe it means something different ?

On the BA scale of “coming soon”, might it be few months?

Cheers and have a good day

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Going by big ant terminology, imminent could definitely mean the next 6 months as they probably don’t know what the word actually means :rofl:

It doesn’t mean immediately. Which may be getting some people confused.

Imminent : wich is about to happen very soon

The problem isn’t the definition, it’s the multiverse ! See, Big Ant lives on a different timeline, so when they said in march “in the coming weeks”, well they meant it, it just translates to “in the coming months” on our timeline. Sure sucks when that happens, but hey, if you can’t blame them,just blame the multiverse !!

Wish the fans were invited to that multiverse!

There’s no very soon in the actual definition though lol

imminent (adjective)

  1. about to happen

Deep breaths people lol. Go for a walk, go to a movie, go hang out with friends, get drunk and take unknown illicit substances until you are kidnapped and taken to a luxury villa in South America where you escape but only into a dangerous tropical jungle where only through sheer grit and determination do you survive long enough to be stumbled across by a lonely planet camera crew, saved and sent back home to your family once again … to still wait for Rugby24 to come out.

nothings coming soon lmao. they just enjoy making it up as they go along and lying to us

I’m so sick of watching this forum from a distance. I’m excited to see the game but the audacity of this community is frustrating. I can tell you a few things with certainty.

  1. They want to make money on the title, that involves having a game that sells copies
  2. They care about what they do and want to make a good game that recreates a true rugby experience.
  3. They don’t care about showing you a trailer or behind the scenes peak, because it does not help them achieve objectives 1 or 2 above. That stuff actually takes effort to promote. I would prefer if that effort was put toward development.

And guess what, it’s a matter of budget. if they spend on advertising, that is money away from development. Just relax, they don’t care about you, they care about the game and that’s what matters.

*Joins 11 minutes ago

*First post decides to insult the whole community

Personally I preferred you from a distance :rofl:

Edit: *Although your points are correct on all counts.


yep exactly they dont care about anything or about the game either

Costs nothing to post on their own social media pages though :joy:. Ross himself has promoted the game way more than the official channels, which leads me to believe nacon are the ones that cba to update the fanbase, not BA


If you think that a game can sell well for them to make profit without marketing then you need to reconsider your thoughts on video games :joy::joy:

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I guarantee the fan base will be exercising caution and making purchasing decisions based off how it plays and nothing else. If they are on a budget, why spend money and time to marketing? If not done properly marketing can be counterproductive. To do it properly requires effort and money. I personally hope they are paying an additional dev instead of a social media coordinator

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The game would have marketed itself if it was realised during RWC. Nacon is a French company, rugby is huge in France. So I assume the game will be released to align with NH/France calender. The game is obviously not ready and France rugby are playing the Top14 final next week. I don’t imagine the game will be released over summer when there is no rugby being played in NH.
Maybe early access over summer or start of rugby season and then full release during 6 nations 2025. That gives about 6 months or so ironing out the bugs from early access.

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I would say your comment about the fanbase is only partially correct. Gameplay is definitely not the only thing that will determine whether people buy this game.

I would also say that if any business doesn’t put part of their budget aside for marketing, then possibly they should consider another career path. Even in the world of social media word of mouth only goes so far. The marketing won’t come until they actually have a product to market though, to do it now would be pointless.

People are not talking about marketing anyway I don’t think, when they say screenshots and clips it is really only referring to what Big Ant themselves put out in their statement that they would release a few months back.

I couldn’t care less about a screenshot or a clip to be honest, I will make my decision to purchase based on the information about what will be in the game and determine what the gameplay is like myself.

The only thing that gets me is when they say something is coming but it never arrives, then that happens again and again. Just don’t say it. If they don’t have screenshots and clips to share in the coming weeks … then just don’t say it.

Under promise, over deliver.

Edit: Personally I think (Aside from those that will already have chosen to be negative regardless of what the game is actually like) that this game will be the best rugby game yet and all the negativity around communication will disperse pretty quickly after release (And maybe a few patches/tweaks). All their other games ended up very good, I cannot see any rationale to support Rugby24 being any different.

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Agree a lot with the final paragraph, the false promises of sharing information and then not doing it is really strange. If they just said the game is delayed indefinitely and we will communicate again once early access is released, I could see a lot of people getting behind that decision however they try to keep up the facade of them about to release information which I think is just wrong.

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Yeah I agree, you shouldn’t commit to doing something and not deliver, it sets expectations and then frustrates people when it doesn’t arrive. I suppose I am more optimistic thinking that the longer it takes the more potential of being a better game, even if it’s at the cost of someone who wants a screenshot, a clip or a release date 12 months before the game is considered ready.

They have probably gone quiet because they don’t want to make any more promises. Just hoping they are putting the effort where it actually matters… sock heights

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I decided the Novel was not necessary :rofl:


Is Tuesday a good day to be a release day ?

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