Any news ?for the game

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If no replies or no meme from Jnt on this convo today, it means the Early Access is for today. :wink:
(No need to answer Jnt)




i cant take this crap anymore. this sums up rugby 24 perfectly

Really close … thats a good thing no?

You can survive another week or two.


Today seems to be the perfect day to be the “really close” mentioned, don’t you think ? :wink:


Depending on Ross time scale ! “Imminent news” were 1 week and half ago, so i believe really close is some days

nah, “imminent” is supposed to be sooner than “really close”, so i’ve lost all hope.

Okay, we got it, they got no PR and have the worst official marketing/communication ever seen… but Ross and JNT playing with our nerves like we could be expecting something (EA, news, gameplay, roadmap… who the duck knows) sometime (days, weeks , months …) is too much.
Mates, i’ve been looking for info on this game since march 2023, i’ve droppped to my knees on every further delay, i’ve expected anyt tiny bit of info to drop every single day of january, every freaking day in march, for the game to be announced delayed again and again, with false promises about gameplay videos and official communication. We have had nothing but a lame tunnel teaser (lame as in, sure its pretty but that tells me nothing of the game while playing), and some pics of photometry in May when it was actually the original excuse for the first delay.
And now, ten days ago, Ross was taunting us with “imminent news”… i believe you’ve seen the discord go beserk since then, friendships fell apart, couples broke up, all hell let loose, pretty understandable after such a long wait, specially if you wind up people allready on the edge. I’ve been taught not to tease a hungry dog by hiding his food. Not because he could bite me, but because it is cruel, weither its a dog and his food, or a person and his want, or a fan and a game.

What i’m trying to say is that, despite the company having betrayed its own words so many times, a fanbase has held tight to wait “together”, searching for news BA wouldnt give us, keeping the hype despite all the bad signs surrounding the game (and Ross blocking people on twitter when he’s grumpy ).

So to respect our fidelity, in order to appease the discord and forum, please JNT, please stop all jokes and memes until the “imminent news” finally drops OR just tell us what to expect and WHEN (and i mean a date, not something evasive again, that card has been played too many times)

Yeah sorry, a bit long, hard not sound like a rant, I usually find the chit funny but it’s been so long even the jokes drive me mad


100% agree, Ross seems to have a lot of time and fun watching games, travelling but less working maybe lol

Matt6, Ross is free to do whatever he wants, and probably works way more than you. Go for a walk, the game will come soon (or imminently, whatever you want)

Are you a fan account boss ?? Idk are you trying to get a free EA ?

No, just a guy who wants the game as much as you do

There’s an article on rugby pass about rugby 24. Doesn’t really go into much specifics though.

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Wowsers. You can really cut the excitement with a knife. Just like a knife through a new pair of grip socks.
I’m looking forward to the slick titles and cut scenes, much like the old Shute Shield below with me and my kids walking across the screen.


I agree, simplicity is key :wink:

Hey @JNT_BA we have an offer for you on Rugby gaming discord, take a look, you can’t deny your enthusiast for this I know it

That is not a good idea at all tbf.