Any news ?for the game

They have to! Would be the most polite trash talking in gaming stream history. I’d pee my pants :rofl:

Not sure the real Ross would reply like this lol


Game is releasing I swear

  • Ross

There is exactly zero chance of that being the real Ross. Everyone knows it, except the one individual (Who I shall not name in fear of Rugby beef) who got rather overly upset when someone stated the obvious and then reduced himself to making personal insults when it was obvious he had no way of guaranteeing his claim. This shouldn’t even be a conversation. History says the promo will release mid month as it is 2 weeks prior to launch and that is what historically has happened. It is a logical bet. I would not be surprised had a certain individual CREATED that account themselves and made the comment on the persons post to get attention. It is like click bait, but to a whole new level whereby you can create an entirely new video for it :sweat_smile: But, I have 4 subscribers and they are my family ha ha So what would I know.


Thanks for the update Ross.

  • Elon Musk (Using a friends account)


Hopefully this puts everything to bed anyway. Looking forward to Rugby 24 and check out the Bears Gamer channel later on today where I have a bit of fun at this whole exchange :wink:

Much love to EVERYONE and here’s to a great year for rugby gaming :rugby_football::video_game:


Time to get out the camera and release a video on the official news that official ross is unofficial ross and that theres no official news :joy::joy:

This thread has been the most enjoyable 48 hours since the 8 second trailer, 9 months ago.
Looking forward to some official word soon.
Hopefully the game is everything we all want it to be. Especially a stable multiplayer, so future beef can be dealt with in a 1v1 on rugby 24!


If you don’t have a fat gold chain, your cap on backwards and start dropping a beat Bears, i’ll be disappointed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Mic check, one two!

Edit: You could name the Diss track “Inconsistent Run-around” :wink:

Here’s your script, you’re welcome ha ha

(Verse 1)
Yo, listen up, Mr. YouTube sensation,
Spreading lies and false info, causing frustration.
You claim to be a gamer, but your facts are wack,
Talking 'bout “Rugby 24,” but you’re off track.

You dropped a video, said it’s coming soon,
But your sources must be from the dark side of the moon.
Release date speculation, you were way off base,
Now the fans are heated, calling you a disgrace.

Rugby 24, your info’s a mess,
Gotta fact-check twice, don’t settle for less.
YouTube blogger, spreading misinformation,
Your credibility’s gone, it’s a lost foundation.

(Verse 2)
You hyped it up, got the fans all excited,
But your date was fiction, not reality, slighted.
Now we’re all waiting, checking the news feed,
While you’re backtracking, claiming it’s a misread.

Should’ve done your homework, before you hit upload,
Now you’re stuck in a web of lies, feeling cold.
Subscribers dropping, like a bad pass in the game,
Your credibility’s fading, it’s a cryin’ shame.

Rugby 24, your info’s a mess,
Gotta fact-check twice, don’t settle for less.
YouTube blogger, spreading misinformation,
Your credibility’s gone, it’s a lost foundation.

You thought you were slick, playing games with the truth,
But the gaming community’s sharp, we got the proof.
Rugby 24, it’s a game we all crave,
But your false release date got us all misbehaved.

(Verse 3)
So here’s a diss track, to set the record straight,
Your gaming blog’s sinking, it’s a twist of fate.
Rugby fans unite, against the misinformation,
Expose the fakes, no room for imitation.

You might have followers, but they’re seeing through the haze,
Real gamers demand truth, in these internet days.
So step back, reevaluate your game,
Or you’ll forever be known for spreading the shame.

Rugby 24, your info’s a mess,
Gotta fact-check twice, don’t settle for less.
YouTube blogger, spreading misinformation,
Your credibility’s gone, it’s a lost foundation.

Next time you drop a video, better think twice,
Rugby 24 deserves better, don’t roll the dice.
Learn from the diss, and maybe you’ll grow,
But for now, your gaming blog’s on a downward flow.


Surely somebody at Nacon or BigAnt is in charge of managing their relationship with us?! We’re out here fact checking whether or not the CEO is commenting and I think we should be looking at obituaries instead to see if the team is even still alive. The silence is crazy…

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That is a work of art :heart_eyes:

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Gotta appreciate the amount of time and effort that’s gone in to making that!


All meant in good light hearted fun :blush:


I can’t take the credit for ChatGPT’s genius :rofl:


Seen that from a mile away :joy:

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Feel like ive been waiting for this way too long, lets hope its not delayed

Anyone else think the newly released MLR kits look like they are straight out of a video game? Or am I clutching at straws here :joy:


Confirmation of multiplayer (in some capacity)! Finally some news about the game! Quick quick everyone, better make a video about it!! :joy: :roll_eyes:


Bears and CWalkthroughs definitely need to go at it on Rugby 24! Please stream it someone!

I just did a search on Google Bard to see if it picks up any info on Rugby 24, and this is the result. I doubt that it is official, just think it picked up CW’s claim. I definitely think we are getting an announcement of another delay. I hope I am wrong!!

For those that want to read the entire result:

The latest official news on Rugby 24 is that the game is still on track for its official release on January 30th, 2024. Here’s the current breakdown:

Release Date: January 30th, 2024 (confirmed by Big Ant Studios)
Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC


  • While no official trailer has dropped yet, Big Ant Studios CEO Ross Symons confirmed in early January that the initial trailer should be released sometime in mid-January. This means it could drop any day now!

Other Recent News:

  • There have been active discussions on the Big Ant Studios community forum, with fans speculating about features, platforms, and gameplay mechanics.
  • Some news outlets have published articles based on community discussions and speculation, but none of this information is officially confirmed by Big Ant Studios.

Things to keep an eye on:

  • The official Rugby 24 Twitter account (@rugbythegame) is a good source for official updates and announcements.
  • The Big Ant Studios community forum can be a useful source of information and discussion, but remember to take community speculation with a grain of salt.

Overall, it’s an exciting time for Rugby 24 fans! With the release date just around the corner, it’s likely we’ll see more official information and footage in the coming days. Stay tuned!

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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That just grabs a whole lot of info and pulls it together. Big Ant did confirm a release date, that is true. Current places have the date as 2024 Dec, that is also true. These two things have never been combined though.

So that answer is accurate in one way but makes it inaccurate in the way it combines the information. I really hope you are wrong too ha ha.

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