Any news ?for the game

I saw those too and for a moment thought of the same possibility. But the fact is a lot of sporting kit suppliers have provided 3d models in this way for 5 plus years now like at Canterbury Rugby Clothing | Rugby Kit | Canterbury. I noted that MLR said the new kits … then put 24 on the end … I was clutching too ha ha.

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Wouldnt it be awesome for BigAnt to set up an actual stream using content creators to create Rugby Matches.
Bears and CW both make their teams using the card system (if its in the game)
Stick the game on 20-30 minutes.
Get some content creators for pre-match and half time analysis.
I would happily stick my hand up to do commentary over the game with somebody else.
And then have some post match interviews with the players after the game.
Lets turn it in to a proper E-Sport, and then rotate players to play each other, and different people commentating over the games!


Hope in the future with rugby 24 maybe you guys can do marketing on online tournaments with your youtube channels we are a big community with RC4 playing online tournaments. But its not that popular you guys have alot of followers that might can turn it into a big thing.

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I have created a YouTube channel specifically for Rugby 24 when it comes out. Just to show peoples Contests and competitions and try and develop a bit of a community eventually. You can bet the Rugby24 beef and a Mad Dragon vs SammyX will be on my list of contests to get first ha ha. I am sure this forum could create a Forum contest to start it off in the least. Once we see what game modes and multiplayer capabilities the game has for setting up one v one’s or tournements etc we will have a better idea of what is possible organisation wise. I like the Idea of Mad Dragon also commentating on some match ups. Got a Radio voice ha ha. Lets hope there isn’t a delay and we can start talking about more possibilities from next week onward!

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If this game is awful will you guys still be playing lol? I’m talking Rugby 18 bad. I still played but it was so…meh.

I can’t see it being awful. Yes the promotion is lacking but I still strongly believe once it is released it will be one of the best rugby games we have had in recent years.

Big Ant are well known for their customisation features, and both AFL 23 and Cricket 24 have launched with those which will be a big inclusion for a Rugby games that more recent titles have lacked.

Plus with the level of licenses they seem to be going for, we will have quite the amount of players and teams to utilise while playing.


I completely agree with this. The only thing that will be bad about this game is the marketing, communication etc ha ha. Possibly a load of bugs and things that need to be fixed along the way as well but like Sammyx2, I don’t see this game as being able to end up like a Rugby 18. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure there will be a heap of things the community still believe could or should have been in there, but I don’t see this game as even having a possibility of being an absolute steaming pile of :poop:


I dont think it will be awful, im hopeful it will provide a very good base for Bigant to expand on with an aim to release a new union game every few years, much like they have done with their cricket games

What i am worried about is the state of the game upon release cricket 24 released in a very poor state, i believe the consensus was AFL 23 was a mess upon release too. This combined with the news that tiebreak is launching as ‘early access’ (likely to abscond bigant/nacon from blame for another game riddled with bugs and issues upon release) has me concerned that the first few months of rugby 24 will be a procession of patches to get the game into an acceptable state.

Long term i think we will end up with a very good game, but those first few months after release are probably going to be rough

4 Likes This short should answer your question about the MLR kits Bears.

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Thanks man. I hope the MLR is in the game. Some of those kits are tasty!


Agreed, I would be surprised, if they have a large number of actual leagues if either Japan League one or the MLR are left out. They have to be two of the biggest growing Rugby markets. Chicago Hounds and Toyota Verblitz fan myself. I have no toes and fingers left to cross anymore now though :rofl:

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I was a New York fan :disappointed:

Oh :zipper_mouth_face: Still, jump ship like me and support the new Miami Sharks team this year. I support Sharks teams in any other comps. Sale Sharks, Natal Sharks, Miami Sharks now :shark:

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If we get a trailer for a 30th release, odds on it will come out this week commencing 15th, my bet would be tuesday as it is exactly 2 weeks before releae.


Trailer confirmed coming


Brb off to make a youtube video telling the world ross symonds has confirmed a traiker is on the way


Brb, off to get another diss track lyric ready for the new beef


Someone changed my name, this is criminal :sweat_smile:


Haha I wonder who did that :thinking::smirk:


Well there goes my credibility. My youtube career is in tatters

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