Any news ?for the game

Don’t worry about it, you would have never been able to rival my 9 subscribers anyway. I’ve got YouTube on lock.

It was definitely Ross :speaking_head:

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You guys have great attitudes. We gotta support this game regardless since it’s really the only option for us fans. I feel bad that this is this marketing strategy but you guys make me feel better about the release.


Ill have you know i have a youtube vid with more than 2k views, and it absolutely, definitely probably isnt due to me watching it on loop

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Well ok, you may be the Mr Beast of this forum right now buddy. Just you wait though, I didn’t want to have to brag but I’ll have YOU know, that I uploaded a video 4 days ago and it has 12 views! So at this rate, I will catch and pass your 2k views in as little as six hundred and sixty seven days!


I see no reason not to remain optimistic, for all the bad press BigAnt gets about communication prior to release etc etc … every sports game I have played from them has been worth playing. Their league titles are better than ANY rugby game that has EVER been released (Into CAPS today). So though the dates may suck, the lack of info and screenshots etc is absolutely lame, and the first release may be a bug ridden mess that requires multiple updates. I am certain there is the best rugby title so far in there getting done. I am going to throw my hat in the ring and say this will be the best rugby title ever released (Eventually after patches etc).


No way…didn’t realize their rugby league games were so well received. What do they do well in those that you anticipate translating over? If you answered this in your YouTube video sorry, but I did just subscribe to you!

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It’s all good mate, I don’t expect anyone to ever watch my babbling on that channel. I just started it as a hobby and so I could have somewhere to keep all my replays and record a bit of trash talk about things ha ha. Appreciate the gesture though!

The thing I think will translate most to a rugby title that to be honest, we haven’t really seen yet … is that BigAnt understand sports. They understand atmosphere and hype in sports, they know how to make it feel like a legit sporting presentation. The rugby challenge series attempted to capture that vibe but they seriously missed the mark unfortunately.

I know BigAnt won’t, that is why I am so confident. They also bring in great customisation tools (If they can fix the image uploader for logos etc) and really healthy career models from other games.

They put attention to detail in when it comes to how the game is presented, it looks and feels authentic, I think if you go and take a look at league, cricket, AFL etc you’ll see that in their titles.

I know I sound like a bit of a fanboy at the moment, I am not though, I just really appreciate good sports titles and I think outside of EA and 2k (Big money places), these guys do authenticity the best. I know this title will be the bones of something special for future iterations. If it can remain profitable and gets the support it needs to get future titles out then I think we will be looking at the EA FC of rugby union.


So the anticipation is reaching fever pitch. Hoorah.
Do we know which leagues are included yet?
You won’t get an EAFC experience because I assume you’ll be able to customise stuff which hasn’t been part of FIFA for ages.
Looking forward to seeing Faf’s hair dynamics…

URC pro 14 and prod2 confirmed im sure we will have premiership, super rugby etc included though not necessarily licensed. If its anything like their cricket games then we should see an extensive creation hub that will allow teams and players to be created

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I have to challenge you here. There’s knowing sports via authenticity and presentation(fans)…and then knowing sports from the technical and mechanical perspective(professionals). They lack the latter. I’ve seen it across multiple disciplines, but it’s the same formula. The immersion, details, customization, depth of features is all there; but the actual understanding of the core mechanics of each sport is not at the same level.

It reads to me more like pure sports fans, versus actual students of the sports. I feel they would bode well to start bringing in actual professionals (I don’t mean licensed players/teams) during dev time.


I got bored waiting :wink:


God I hope you’re here for the long haul. I wouldn’t mind paying for your hard work.

Well everyone has a right to their opinion and I completely respect yours. I do agree that elements are missing in some titles to make it perfect, but we have to respect how hard that actually is to do in code. People seem to misinterpret my comments as saying that these games will be perfect. Or they compare an upcoming title to a perfect representation of the sport in a game that has simply never happened yet.

The only sports that have ever been represented to perfection are sports with simple dynamics like basketball and football (Though I would argue that football still isn’t right) mechanics wise.

I have played rugby for 20 years (Yes I am THAT old), coached a girls first XV in my early 20’s, got paid to play Rugby League for 2 seasons (Small club A grade contract not pro). I played representative (Provincial level) football and softball (Absolutely rubbish at cricket) and have played a bunch of others. I would like to think I am a tiny bit more than just a fan though of course not a pro. But an enthusiast yes.

While passing (Not as easy as a football to represent) is a challenge, a lot of their other mechanics are solid. Also, you only have to look at the feedback on their two most recent cricket titles around how impressive the mechanics have become in those two to see the progress.

I would argue you are looking for the wrong foundations for success. You can have great mechanics, but if the commercial success is not there you may as well have made GOAT simulator 5 in regards to the contribution it will make to getting an ongoing and successful rugby franchise started. For that you need commercial success.

While I agree that mechanics are another core part of the game and absolutely essential if you want to make a great long lasting franchise, I don’t think it is the fundamental requirement for the initial release. Fifa was terrible from EA in the beginning, but they had ongoing titles and ironed it out gradually over time. Off the back of commercial successes.

I am not saying this game will be perfect, but I am still willing to say off the back of BigAnts performance to this point, it will be the best rugby title ever released for multiple reasons. You can come back and say I told you so after if you like ha ha. Someone always will.


Expect DM’s from me if modding is required ha ha. This is great! Nice work, the wrong team :wink: but still nice :raised_hands:

Is that out of the cricket title?

Maybe. I just wanted to show what is possible having made a bunch of stuff for AFL 23 ( Academy Creations - AFL 23 - Big Ant Studios Community Forum). Making logos is rather time consuming as it needs to be in SVG format and under 400 nodes. When I did the Big Ant tour i found they were just using Jpgs to make the game (not for modding) which would be ideal.

Like before AFL23’s release I made the Southland Jersey from 2001 with the Cricket 22 editor team which can be downloaded for free on steam.

Not sure whether I’ll buy the Rugby game. To mod it on PC and play it on PS5 I’d have to buy it twice…

As for the Stags, remember you catch more flies with honey :wink:


Re the passing, although the animations werent that great in rugby league live i preferred the mechanic of pressing for short pass or holding the pass button and pressing a face button to do a miss pass, and the double tap face button for a flat ball. I hope that is implemented with better animations, ie passing less floaty and players run onto the flat balls etc

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Passing in RLL4 was pretty terrible compared to RLL3! Couldn’t properly draw and pass, passing was really floaty and far too many interceptions. Hopefully this is vastly improved as it’s a pretty major mechanic


Yeah the SVG node drama was a nightmare. Bane of my creator existence ha ha.PNG’s would be magic. Adobe has a background remover and resizer online free now so it would be simple to put absolutely anything in the game.

Just buy an Xbox as well instead of multiple games and boom, you’re covered from every angle :wink:

I like that mechanic for sure. I just hope they don’t over complicate an already complex game with too many fidgety mini games that become repetitive over time.

There are some good mini games, i.e I like the scrummaging mini game in Rugby 22, not the ruck one however, the window is far too small for success. If the window widened with each difficulty level then this would have been better.

I like the simplicity of Rugby champions in their set pieces. Then they throw in more random events like tight heads and knock ons, hands in ruck etc to make it more of a legit feel to the game.

Would love it if they had the style of passing mechanic you mentioned for sure. Seems a natural and intuitive way to do it imo.

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