Cricket 24 - Megathread

I think the feature in online mode will make it interesting , where for slower over rate in the last overs one fielder should come into the circle. I think this will add to mental pressure while bowling.

The flipside is you get the gut dynamics as well if you go down that rabbithole.
If Iā€™m bowling beamers off 3 steps youā€™ll need to make the camera shake from seismic activity too.

Cutscene suggestions during match, show the sky and the clouds or lack of clouds.

Also cutscenes of flags waving in the air showing the direction of wind can be added .

Also the crowd excited or leaving the stadium or crowd with musical instrument or other props.

Full details? You donā€™t like surprises?

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Apart from this forum, if we have a discord it will be easy to connect and communicate.If dev is intrested we can have call and discuss suggestions and progress

I get the impression they are busy doing and not discussingā€¦

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Full details take away from the surprise.

Now their is only one way through which we can get the information of Cricket 24 i.e by hackers ( the guy who hacked gta 6 of Rockstar can only provide us some leaks now ):joy: @JNT_BA @RossSymons

I hope Devā€™s are working on realistic ball trajectory and things like faint edges etc. @JNT_BA

Iā€™m a bit puzzled by the comparisons between Cricket22 and this new mobile game. While there are a few new animations and bowling actions, the game doesnā€™t seem exceptionally unique. Itā€™s interesting to see YouTubers heavily focused on playing this game, possibly indicating a shift in our preferences. Nonetheless, I truly believe Cricket 22 remains a fantastic game. Give it a shot on maximum settings with a good display, and youā€™ll appreciate its every detail. Big Ant has done a good job, but some fresh innovations could really elevate their future releases. Iā€™m confident that if they deliver on their promised updates for Cricket 24, it could easily make everyone forget about the current discussions.

Please note: This assessment is drawn from a 3-minute video I viewed on a YouTube channel. The video was essentially a scripted sequence of shots, directions, ball trajectories, and identical scripted commentary for every single ball. Itā€™s quite baffling, isnā€™t it?

Please stop comparing BA games with mobile games, Please


just FYI i have not played C22 from almost 8 months.I have enjoyed more on RC22 coz of gameplay cant ignore if its Mobile or PC if game play is king people prefer them to play.Stop putting context to Mobile & PC ,agree the fact C22 is short time playable game not in a long run.Hope C24 makes some impact

I understand. So, if I got this right, you havenā€™t played games in 8 months and now youā€™re criticizing Cricket 22? People often move on to new things and forget about the old, even after investing a lot of time. Itā€™s just human nature. But, have you given Cricket 22 a fair chance? It might be worth considering before drawing conclusions.

The issue seems to be with your choice, my friend. Perhaps you havenā€™t yet explored the full potential of this game, which many people are still playing for several hours a day. Itā€™s all about perspective. Remember, your opinions might be similar with Cricket 24 in just a few months, saying that the gameplay isnā€™t suitable for the long run.

The charm of RC 22 is undeniable, giving you that cozy feeling. No need to reveal all the details hereā€”just keep enjoying the game and consider leaving behind those other BA titles. Itā€™s as simple as that, isnā€™t it?

@JNT_BA when batsman trying to get quick singles pls add bowler trying to get batsman run out by kicking the ball thru his leg.

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That seems a bit niche mate. How many first-class wickets are taken generally by kicking the ball at the stumps?

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Yup but an animation kicking the ball towards the stump whereby a mini game similar to that of throwing the ball but requiring much more precision would be a nice additionā€¦all in all we have to get as many animations as possible to replicate the real life gameplayā€¦

Trying to tune this into competition for FIFA are we?

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Wellā€¦ every now and then the fielders already kick the ball around randomly before picking it up.

For me personally, I would much rather prioritize an animation where the non-striker doesnā€™t stand like a statue when the ball is driven straight into them stopping a possible boundary.

And an animation where the batsman isnā€™t drilled in the chest and in the face by balls being thrown to the keeper from the mid-off and mid-on fielders.

Are we still on track for Oct 5 release?

Certainlyā€¦these and similar animations are needed to make the game feel realisticā€¦overall these small animations make a huge differenceā€¦BA have also got additional 2-3 months from the earlier planned release dateā€¦art team must really work on these thingsā€¦

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From what Iā€™ve seen the art team are hard at work on animations.

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